16.Jungkook had once fallen down the stairs and fractured a few of his ribs. (3)

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Lisa did not bully little Jungkook again. She left on the couch that night.

She thought her back wouldn't feel very good after spending a night on the couch but she didn't feel any discomfort when she woke up the next morning.

Across from her, little Jungkook, in his red cartoon pajama woke up. He didn't need anyone to tend to him and was able to get himself ready and change. He was serious like a little adult.

Mother Jeon had told Lisa in the past that they had detected Jungkook's autism at a very early age and started with treatment immediately. Jungkook, at his current age, was like a normal child in all ways other than not enjoying being closed with others or being hugged.

Little Jungkook, who had changed into his red kindergarten uniform, went downstairs on his own and the servant carried his red little book bag behind him.

Lisa followed behind them slowly.

Ah. Her husband was about to go to kindergarten.

After breakfast, Father Jeon left for the office and Mother Jeon took little Jungkook to the kindergarten in person.

Lisa quickly hopped into the car. Her body went right through the car and she took the passenger seat. At this very moment, little Jungkook, sitting in the back, gave her a look.

Odd Big Sister.

The car stopped in front of the kindergarten. As it was the morning drop off time, there were lots of cars from other families and almost all of them were luxurious cars.

Apparently, this was a noble kindergarten.

Mother Jeon stayed until her son was taken inside of the school by a teacher before she left longingly.

Lisa continued to followed behind little Jungkook. They arrived at little Jungkook's class. The other students also arrived early and were laughing, chasing each other, and giggling inside the classroom.

Unless the other children around them, little Jungkook put down his little bookbag, sat down at his own spot and remained seated quietly. He did not make any noise nor did he look at any of his classmates around him.

Lisa suddenly remember Coconut Cake's words. He said there was a student in his like who, like Jungkook, did not like to talk. All the other children called him a fool.

So, what about little Jungkook?

Would the other children not feel that he was a part of them? Would they make fun of him? Would they bully him?

The thought that the other children might bully little Jungkook made Lisa felt that none of them was cute.

During class session, Lisa did not stay inside the classroom but stood outside of the classroom and watched little Jungkook boringly through the window. The other children would raise their hands when the teacher asked questions but little Jungkook just stared in the air without responding to anything.

There were a lot of children in the class and the teacher could not pay attention to all of them at the same time. As such, the teacher did not notice the little boy sitting next to Jungkook had pinched him stealthily.

Walking quickly inside of the classroom, Lisa wanted to pull the little boy away from little Jungkook but her hand went right through the little boy. She was not able to touch him.

Lisa looked as the little boy left a red mark on little Jungkook's tender, alabaster with his fingernail. "Kookie. Tell the teacher quickly."

Little Jungkook did not respond to her at all. He didn't make a sound nor did he feel any pain.

Lisa frowned deeply. Luckily, the little boy stopped after pinching little Jungkook just once.

She gave the little boy an unhappy stare.

Two teachers took the children to exercise outside of the classroom for the next session.

All of the other little kiddos ran around the playground. Some went onto the slide and others, the seesaw. Little Jungkook, on the other hand, stood quietly next to the stairs all by his lonesome.

The teachers seemed to be used to him standing around on his own by now.

Lisa never thought much about it in the past but when she looked at all the children who were laughing happily, then turned to look at Jungkook, she felt her heart ached.

He had a little hard self around him and he hid his little body inside of it. Nobody could enter his little shell as long as he wasn't coming out of it.

After she had recollected herself, Lisa noticed that little Jungkook had already walked up the stairs. Following behind him was the little boy who pinched him in the classroom earlier.

The little boy looked familiar to her. She seemed to have known him from somewhere.

Before she could give it much thought, Lisa saw the little boy reaching out to pull little Jungkook from the back.

The little boy was taller than little Jungkook and, with just one tug from the little boy, little Jungkook lose his balance and started falling backward.

Lisa was stunned. She suddenly recalled what Mother Jeon had told her.

Jungkook had fallen down the stairs once back when he was in kindergarten and fractured a few of his ribs. 

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