51.Eunha's face shape changed noticeably (1)

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It was the morning and it was quiet around her. The morning breeze blew past and the light blue curtain waved gently in the wind.

Lisa summoned Lee Know the minute that she had woken up.

"How come I was able to touch things and appeared in front others suddenly during my trip yesterday? More importantly, my last little sun disappeared."

She had been wanting to ask since the night before.

Lee Know: [Host, whenever you consume a little sun, you will be able to touch things and appear in front of others. The time limit is one minute.] Lisa was shocked. "I can consume one little sun and appear in front of others and touch solid objects?"

Lee Know: [That is correct.]

She gritted her teeth and asked angrily, "How come you never told me something this important before?" She had been troubled this entire time how she would be able to save Jungkook with all these restrictions that she had been experiencing.

The Lee Know's little milky voice weakened. [Host, you didn't exactly ask.]

"How would I even know what to ask?" If only Overload has a physical body, she would very much want to pull him out and give him a beating.

The Lee Know felt guilty.

"And you just said that each little sun can buy me a minute's time?"

Lee Know: [That's right.]

Lisa frowned. "Why such short time? Besides, I was able to open up the closest door and appear in front of the boys. So, the time can be spent separately, as long they don't go over a minute total?"

But little suns were difficult to come by. Jungkook happened to drink some alcohol last time, which allowed her to become rich for a little while there. They were all gone now. She didn't even have one little sun with her right now.

The Lee Know reminded her: [That's right. And, Host, you will need 10 little suns for your next trip.] Lisa, "......"

She needed nothing like she needed little suns right now.

The Lee Know carried on to tell her: [Host, there are goods and bads associated with consuming little suns. When you travel back, you are not a part of that world. As such, with the exception of Jungkook, you will not get hurt or feel pain while you are there.] Lisa was aware of that. Much like her feet would not get dusty even when she was walking around in her bare feet.

[Once you consumed little suns, however, you can be hurt, feel pain, or bleed during the prescribed time. If you die during that time frame, you will die for real and will not be coming back here.] Lisa was taken aback. It looked like she needed to use the little suns wisely. "Is there anything else that you need to tell me?"

Lee Know said quickly: [No, that's it for now, Host.]

Lisa hrumphed and dismissed him.

She heard stirring from next to him.

Lisa recollected himself and looked over. Jungkook had woken up.

His blue pajama with big red flowers were loud and a strand of his hair above his forehead was sticking up. Looking dazed, he was incredibly cute.

Lisa couldn't help but pulled out her cellphone from under her pillow and snapped a picture of Jungkook.

Jungkook acted like he didn't notice that at all.

"Good morning," said Lisa to him with a smile.

Looking up, there was a blank look in Jungkook's cherry-blossom eyes. His voice sounded like it was forced out from between his throat, "Morning."

Lisa asked him, "You had a dream last night?"

Jungkook blinked. He couldn't recall a thing. He said nothing but flipped open the blanket, got out of bed, and went inside the bathroom.

Lisa didn't think that he would remember her. After all, each time she travelled back, he was still a child. She figured the only thing that he would recall would probably just be term "strange big sister".

Lisa unlocked her cellphone and looked at the picture that she had just took.

She must say, even in loud colors and only half of his face, Jungkook was still incredibly handsome in the picture.

She thought about it some and registered for a new account on Weibo. She named it: The Brightly Colored Little Treasure.

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