154.He wished that Odd Big Sister will show up. (3)

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The car took them back to the Jeon's place.

Mother and Father Jeon were already waiting there anxiously.

Father Jeon was about to send people out to search for Jungkook when he received the call from the chauffeur.

He even got his hand on the surveillance video from school and learned that his son had heard to climb over the fence.

Father Jeon did not ask Jungkook why he did that. He knew that Jungkook would not respond back to him and also that perhaps he saw someone else doing that and thought it would be fun.

As for that problem, he would reach out to the school, donate some money, and extend the wall.

"Kook, where did you go? Are you hurt?" Mother Jeon looked up and down Jungkook. With the exception of his cloths being somewhat dirty, he did not look hurt.

Mother Jeon's brows unfurrowed. "Don't run around like that in the future. What would Mom do if you are hurt?"

Jungkook said nothing.

See that her son was alright, Mother Jeon quickly went to prepare dinner at the kitchen and also make some nutritious soup.

Father Jeon contemplated having someone following his son without him knowing.

Jungkook went upstairs while holding Lisa's hand.

Back to the room, Jungkook was still holding Lisa's hand. He said down next to her and looked at her quietly.

The boy had grown even taller. He was still taller than her even when he was sitting down.

Lisa stroked his head. "Kookie had grown even taller."

Jungkook's dark eyes looked shy for a change. He let go of Lisa's hand reluctantly, stood up, walked over to the closet, and pulled out a brand-new red sweatshirt.

He removed his blue and white school uniform right in front of Lisa, placed it next to him contemptuously, and put on the new red sweatshirt.

The boy's body was skinny but not overly fragile. He was young and innocent still.

After he had finished putting his clothes on, he walked back to Lisa, his back straight. He held her hand once again.

"Kookie is so handsome." Lisa could tell that the boy was obviously seeking compliments.

Jungkook's dark, black eyes smiled, and his lips curved upward. "Odd Big Sister see, only."

Lisa smiled, "Okay, only I can see that."

Where else could she find another docile young man like her?

She turned her head and happened to notice the calendar on the desk. A date was circled on it. Lisa suddenly recalled that Jungkook's birthday was the day before.

"Yesterday was your birthday?"

Jungkook nodded.

He looked quietly at Lisa with his dark black eyes. "Wish, me."

He made a wish.

Lisa was curious, "What kind of a wish did you make?"

Looking at Lisa with his handsome and innocent face, he said slowly, "Odd Big Sister appear."

He wished that Odd Big Sister would show up.

Lisa paused a little. She felt like her chest area was scratched by the paw of a little milky animal.

It was soft and it tickled.

The innocent and shy young man said that he had wished that she would show up.

Pitiful and cute. Lisa's heart softened more and more.

So, this extra assignment was because Jungkook had made a wish?

Lisa wasn't 100% certainly about it.

"Did you wish for anything else in addition to me showing up?"

Jungkook blinked and said after a long while. "Odd Big Sister date, me."

To go on a date with Odd Big Sister.

Lisa chuckled, "Do you know what a date is?"

Jungkook lowered his eyes and the tips of his ears turned red under his black, short hair. They were redder than his red sweatshirt.

He said nothing and his eyelids trembled, as though waiting for Lisa to response.

Lisa thought about it some and told him, "You want to go out with me? That's not a date. It's only a date if we are lovers."

Jungkook looked up at her upon hearing that. There was a hint of eagerness in his dark, black eyes. "It is a date."

Odd Big Sister was his. This was a date.

Seeing the young man with his lips pinched shut and looking unhappy, Lisa busted out laughing. "Alright, if you say so."

What was so hard about wooing him?

The corners of Jungkook's lips rose up slightly and his hand held on tightly to Lisa's.

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