143.It'd seem that Eunha's intelligence disappeared along with the halo. (2)

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Seeing how she was stammering, Mingyu turned to the makeup artist and her assistant and said, "Can we have some privacy?"

"Sure, Mr. Jeon."

After the makeup artists had stepped out, Mingyu locked the door and asked Eunha, "You are clutching to your chest. Are you not feeling well?"

Mother Jeon had already gotten sick all of a sudden, Mingyu worried that his wife, too, was not feeling well. "Dr. Jin is still here. Shall I have him come and give you a checkup as well?"

Eunha knew that she wasn't ill. She went on to say, "No, my dress came loose so I came to change into a new one." She said considerably, "There are many guests outside. Why don't you go and keep them company? I'll be out as soon as I am done changing."

Mingyu might look cold in appearance, but he was very tender when it came to Eunha. He stroked her on her head and said, "It's fine. I will wait for you."

Mingyu got interested all of a sudden. Lifting his brows, he curved his lips and said, "Let me help you?"

Eunha felt shy at first and then, remembering the current predicament that she was in, quickly shook her head.

She declined him in a low voice, "I...... I will do it myself. You go out first."

Mingyu assumed that she was just shy. They were, after all, in the rest area. It wasn't their first time. He held her hands that she had placed in front of her chest and pulled her toward him.

"Let me help you." He wooed her with his mellow voice.

Eunha wasn't able to break free of his grip. Her other hand let loose accidentally and her gown started to fall right away.

She turned pale in Mingyu's shocking look.

She could lie that the changes on her face was an allergic reaction, but she couldn't explain the change to her body, especially when she had lost so much mass all of a sudden.

Eunha almost crushed her teeth from gritting it too hard.

"What's the matter?" As Eunha's husband and the one who slept next to her every night, Mingyu knew her body well. He looked at the change on Eunha in disbelief.

Eunha shook from shame. Biting her lip, she finally forced herself to say, "I had plastic surgery. They leaked."

Looking at the complicated look on Mingyu, Eunha bit down hard on her lip. She could almost taste blood in her mouth.

Back inside the room.

With a low growl and a grunt that could make one's ear tingle, Jungkook's eyelids vibrated a little. The corners of his eyes were red, and his forehead and tall and straight nose were covered in sweat.

He was like a little beast that had just been pulled out of the water.

Even the bases of Lisa's ears had turned red. The man on the bed had clean eyes and brows but his eyes were colored by desire. He was nothing other than a seductive demon.

"Get up and get change. I'll take you down to the banquet in a little while." Mother Jeon would be cutting the cake in a little while, and Lisa would be getting down to the bottom of tonight's incident.

Jungkook's forehead was covered in sweat. His voice was hoarse and magnetic. "Lili, Lili......"

Lisa's ear reddened some more. "Go wash your hands."

Lisa got a call from the bodyguard before she went downstairs. She was told that the female worker told them everything and admitted to everything.

Lisa's eyes narrowed. She told them, "Keep an eye out on her for now."

Jeon Shao had already changed into another set of suits. It was still a red one. His face was still flushed as was the corners of his eyes.

Lisa straightened up his collar then, holding onto his wrists, she examined his hands.

Jungkook opened up his palms and docilely let her inspect them.

His fingers were long, slender, and clean. His nails round, smooth, and glowing a healthy color.

Recalling what he had just done with this beautiful hand of his, Lisa couldn't help but blushed.

Holding his wrist, Lisa headed toward the door.

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