84.Jungkook, had grown even taller than the last time she saw him. (3)

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She switched to a different pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish filet with the bones removed and placed it in front of Jungkook's lips. "Here's a little prize for you. Open your mouth."

Jungkook's lips remained tightly shut.

"You don't want it?"

"Alright then."

Lisa was about to pull her hand back and keep on eating when, the very next second, Jungkook's head reached over, his lips parted, and he ate the piece of fish filet on Lisa's chopsticks.

Jungkook chewed slowly but, as he was very good looking, he look very elegant when he chewed slowly.

The moment that he took the piece of fish felt from her, Lisa saw a little stun popped out over his head.

Lisa was pleasantly surprised.

"What else would you like to eat? I'll feed it to you."

Lisa started kissing up to him. She picked up a piece of delectable meat before Jungkook said anything and brought it up to him.

A second little sun!

Lisa fed him a few more times and the little suns finally stopped coming after 5 of them.

It was a bit on the light side compared to the 35 little suns that she received from kissing his chin but Lisa was happy nonetheless. Today was a rich day for her. She now had 40 little suns in her little safe!

That night.

After she had showered, changed into the set of clothes that she had prepared in advanced, and put her shoes on, she summoned Overlord.

She turned 30 little suns in over to it and her brimming little safe was down to 10 little suns all of a sudden.

So costly.

Lisa had, once again, transmigrated when she opened up her eyes.

She saw many students walking past her in their blue-and-white junior high school uniform. So she had transmigrated to Jungkook's junior high school period once again?

It'd seem that Jungkook would be somewhere nearby.

This was Lisa's first time coming to Jungkook's junior high school and she was not familiar with the surrounding nor did she know where to go to look for Jungkook.

She regretted a little without asking Mother Jeon ahead of time which classes Jungkook was in in junior and senior high schools. She would otherwise be able to go and look for him there.

Lisa started looking around.

The setting sun casting its light on the little trail gave it a forlorn feel. She noticed that this school was quite sizeable. Two boys walked past her. "Nah, I don't think I'll go play basketball. Brother Shang's not here today. What is the point?"

The other boy holding a basketball in his hands asked, "Where did Brother Shang go?"

"Brother Goenhee and Lin Fan took the fool over to the botanical garden."

The boy with the basketball giggled. "What are they going to do with him? Brother Shang isn't going to beat the fool up, is he?"

The boy next to him said, "Brother Shang was very angry today. The Beauty Queen had some conflicts with him and the fool happened to walk by so she made some comments toward Brother Shang."

The boy snickered. "Beauty Queen said she likes the fool and Brother Shang was jealous. He was too prideful to apologize though, so he decided to go and teach the fool a lesson to show the Beauty Queen."

"If the Beauty Queen has half a brain, she would know who to choose between Brother Shang and the fool."

Lisa had a bad feeling. The fool that the two were talking about could very well be Jungkook.

She quickly followed behind them.

Walking around the school building, Lisa followed the two to the botanical garden behind the library.

She immediately saw two boys and a girl standing there. One of the boys had his hair dyed a light brown color and had earrings on. He looked both handsome and arrogant.

The one standing in front of them was definitely Jungkook.

Lisa immediately walked over to him.

The boy, Song Goenhee, asked the Beauty Queen next to him, "You sure you like a loser like him?"

The Beauty Queen bit down on her lips. She looked from Goenhee with her limpid eyes but didn't say a word.

Goenhee's buddy ripped Jungkook's backpack from him, tossed it on the ground, and stomped on it.

He laughed complacently. "Look, Beauty Queen, he doesn't even know to fight back when he is bullied. He's a fool and he can't comprehend what we are talking about. How can you compare this fool to Brother Shang."

The Beauty Queen did not look at Jungkook. She only blurted stuff out earlier because she was mad.

She only liked Goenhee. He's the Heartthrob at school. Not only was he handsome and carefree, he was also very rebellious. Many girls at school would throw themselves at him in a heartbeat.

She only said what she said earlier to spite him.

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