188.Lili was bad. Liar. Abandoned him. (2)

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The butler had been with Old Mr. Kim for tens of years and had a pretty good idea of what he was going through right now.

The butler was very happy that Old Mr. Kim was finally located his family member after being alone for so many years.

"What do you think about the Jeon boy?" asked Old Mr. Kim all of a sudden.

Hearing Old Mr. Kim's question, the butler knew that Old Mr. Kim was already considering Miss Kim as his real granddaughter. He would not have cared about her husband otherwise.

The butler phrased it in a nice way. "He is a quiet one."

Old Mr. Kim nodded. He, too, understood that those who were autistic did not talk much. They were cold and ignore those around them. Some of them were also challenged mentally and could not even take care of their own basic needs. There were a whole host of issues.

Thinking that her granddaughter was forced to marry someone like that, Old Mr. Kim's happiness was diluted a lot and mostly his heart ached for her.

His granddaughter should be someone who was doted by all and raised like a princess. She should have been able to pick her husband out of tens and thousands of outstanding young men.

The Lu family and the Kim family were good match in terms of influence, but their son was sick and not normal.

"Go look into Lisa and the boy," said Old Mr. Kim.

"Yes, Mr. Kim," said the butler quickly.

During the process of investigation, they learned that Miss Kim and Second Young Master Jeon were only registered overseas. Their marriage was not announced publicly.

If Miss Kim was forced to marry Jungkook by the Jeon family, now that she had Old Mr. Kim, she could very well get out of it.

Many did not sleep well that night.

Mother Jeon, in particular, tossed and turned and she wasn't sleepy even when she closed her eyes.

"What is it? Can't sleep?" Father Jeon was woken up by his wife.

"Mmm," said Mother Jeon. "You need to have a good talk with Mingyu. We are not blaming him, but he is responsible for the behaviors of his wife. He can come home in the future, but he doesn't need to bring his wife with."

Mother Jeon was a straightforward person and there was nothing she hated more than dumb and stupid individuals. The fact that she had misjudged Eunha made her very unhappy.

"I will have a talk with him and see how he wants to handle it." Father Jeon's solemn eyes and brows mellowed out in the night. "You don't need to worry about it."

"Okay, I won't let Eunha bother me then. I only care about Kook. What is going to happen to him?" Mother Jeon wasn't sure whether she should be happy or sad. "I saw Old Mr. Kim studying Jungkook over dinner the entire time."

"If Lisa truly is his granddaughter, Kook will be his grand son-in-law. What if he doesn't like Kook?" Mother Jeon was worried.

She was, of course, happy that Lisa could be reunited with her family, but she worried more that it would cause issues between Lisa and her son.

Now that Lisa and her son had been getting along better and better. She saw them all and didn't want anything that could harm that.

Father Jeon comforted his wife. "Lisa and Jungkook are husband and wife. Old Mr. Kim is not an unreasonable person. Even if he doesn't like Jungkook, he would not force them to separate."

That made sense to Mother Jeon. Even if Old Mr. Kim didn't like Jungkook, Lisa and Jungkook were registered as husband and wife. Their relationship was legally binding.

She felt that she was worrying too much.

The DNA test result reached Old Mr. Kim the first thing the next morning.

The butler looked very happy. "Congratulations, Mr. Kim. You have finally found your family member."

Old Mr. Kim's hand that was holding the DNA test result shook uncontrollably. Even though he was prepared mentally, he was still very emotionally when the great news hit him. "What do you think of my outfit today? How do I look?"

"Very good. You look like you are in good spirit today, Mr. Kim," the butler said quickly.

"Do you think I look too serious? Do you think I'll intimidate the child?"

"Judging from what I saw yesterday. Miss Kim was courteous, rational, and poise. She is one who can handle things that are thrown her way and will not be easily intimidated." This was the first time the butler saw Old Mr. Kim being so nervous.

"Have you seen of of anyone from the younger generation who is not intimidated by me?" Old Mr. Kim worried that he looked too serious and made a conscious effort to mellow out the look on him.

The butler smiled and said, "Miss Kim is different."

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