171.He grunted like a little beast who had been attacked. (4)

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Lisa had gotten 150 little suns when she kissed Jungkook the other day. That, on top of the 9 that she had remaining from before, she had a total of 159 little suns.

She was extremely wealthy compared to before; nevertheless, 159 little suns weren't enough for her to make a trip back.

She would need 200 little suns this time.

"You want kiss?" asked Lisa.

Jungkook's beautiful cherry-blossom eyes beamed. His eyelashes quivered. "Yes."

Lisa's lips curved, and she placed her hands over his shoulders. "You better work hard then." To create more little suns.

Jungkook helpless leaned against the cabinet inside the walk-in closet. His head lowered and he allowed Lisa to have her ways in touching and nibbling his lips.

Lisa was mean and refused to enter into them.

The 10thlittle sun.

The 20thlittle sun.


The 60thlittle sun.

When she wanted to get some more, she was forced to stop. The reaction from Jungkook's body was too obvious. He was too overly honest.

Lisa's cheeks reddened. She pulled away a little. In front of her, Jungkook's cold and fair cheeks blushed. He looked at her with his black and bright eyes.

"Lili, more...." Jungkook longed for more.

"Bedtime." Lisa interrupted him and led him out of the closet holding his hand in hers.

Jungkook kept his head lowered. Walking quietly next to Lisa, he was like a little cub that was not fully fed by its owner. He couldn't have been more pitiful.

It was further into the night.

Lisa waited until Jungkook was asleep before she changed into the dress that he had picked out for her. She laid back down in bed after she had put shoes on herself.

She summoned Lee Know. "You sure it takes 200 little suns?"

Lee Know: [Yes, Host.]

Lisa, "There won't again be more points in time that I will need to travel back to after this one time, will there?"

Lee Know hurried up and said: [That I can't promise you.]

Lisa couldn't help but felt contemptuous toward Lee Know. "What good are you?"

She then handed over 200 little suns to Lee Know. She was down to 19 little suns in her little storage.

When she opened up her eyes again, Lisa was enveloped in darkness.

She blinked and vaguely made out the silhouette of the young man in front of her.


Lisa could feel that they were enclosed in a crammed space.


Lisa scooted over the dark silhouette. She knew that was him.

In the dark, the young man lifted up his eyes. Picking up the familiar scent, he reached out his hand.

The slight-cool fingertips landed on Lisa's face. They touched her softly, tracing her features. Her brows, noses, mouth.

Jungkook finally stopped after a little while. There was happiness in his low and dull voice, "Odd Big Sister."

Odd Big Sister was back.

Lisa was pleased that Jungkook had responded back to her. Before she could react to that, however, she was pulled into the young man's arms the very next second.

The young man's chest was not as broad and strong as that of the adult Jungkook. But it was sturdy, and hot. Lisa was restrained in his arms in a daze.

Jungkook lowered his head and buried his head into the nook of Lisa's neck. He muttered in a low voice. "Odd Big Sister."

"Don't be afraid. I am here." Lisa comforted him. She had no idea how he was bullied this time.

The space that they were in was not big. Both Lisa and Jungkook need to keep their knees bent. They couldn't even stand up.

"Where are we?" asked Lisa.

Jungkook nuzzled her shoulder with his head like a little longing puppy. He did not say anything.

"It's fine. I'll go out with you." Lisa thought that Jungkook was frightened.

"Are you hurt?"

Lisa touched Jungkook's face in the dark. Then his body. She wanted to make sure that he was not hurt.

Jungkook was very docile and cooperative when Lisa was inspecting him.

He could feel her soft hand running over his body and that felt good. Jungkook couldn't help but grunted dully when her fingers ran over his waist and abdominal area.

He grunted like a little beast who had been attacked.

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