4.Instead of little suns, she got black clouds instead. (1)

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Before her transmigration, Lisa was a pretty one. She had never been resented for being unattractive before.

She gave Jungkook a stare. The little fool was silly and not all there. Somehow, he knew that she had become uglier than she used to be?

On the other hand, witnessing that her son had been stopped and even responded to Lisa, Mother Jeon was visibly happy. She knew it. Having Lisa married Jungkook was the right move.

Mother Jeon took off after she told Lisa to take good care of Jungkook.

It was quiet inside of the room.

Lisa started looking around the room after she have given Jungkook another look.

The room was quite spacious and all of the walls were padded in beige color. There was barely any furniture in the room. The main colors were white and grey and seemed very forlorn even when there was a woman living there.

Clearly, the original owner did not consider this place her home.

There was a large patio outside of the room, the afternoon sun shining down on it made it seem less cold.

Lisa noticed another closet in the room. None of Jungkook's clothes were in there; they were stored in a different closet.

Looking inside from the glass door, she could see woman's clothing hanging inside. There weren't a lot of them and the closet seemed empty.

Suddenly, she thought about her own closet that was filled to the brim with the trendiest dresses, purses, shoes, and jewelries from the latest season. They were all her babies.

After she was done looking at it, she happened to notice that Jungkook was heading out and she quickly followed behind him.

The room next to them was a study and, following behind Jungkook, Lisa noticed that he was very tall.

She was about 1.78 meter in height and Jungkook was much taller than her. His shoulders were broad and his waist slender. He was a walking weapon in and of itself and he was difficult to overlook.

Jungkook walked in front of the bookshelf and there were many boxes on top of it. He picked up one of the many.

Walking over to his desk, he poured the puzzle out of the box and the pieces took over the entire table. Lisa looked at the box and it was labeled 1000 pieces.

Lisa picked up the lid of the box and looked at it. It was a picture of a dark blue sky covered with little planets. They looked like little glowing ants and were dazzling.

Jungkook started working on the puzzle without making another sound.

Lisa had never put a puzzle together before but she could still tell that this was a difficult one. She had doubts that Jungkook would be able to assemble it.

Lisa wasn't interested in puzzles. She looked over at Jungkook. It was better to look at him than at the puzzle. His features were defined, as though carved out carefully. Even his thin lips that were shut were exactly how she liked them.

The little fool was so good looking; no wonder he was resentful of how she currently looked.

Lisa touched her cheek. Her features were very delicate now but they looked very ordinary. As though it was covered up with a layer of gauze, murky and not attention-grabbing. She hasn't even met Eunha yet, but Lisa already considering her her archenemy.

Look was very important to a girl. Eunha didn't just take her look, but also her health. The name Eunha alone was enough to rile up Lisa.

She only had three days remaining. If she did not get one little sun before the deadline and exchange it for 1% of the halo, she would die.

Thinking of that, she looked over at Jungkook once again. Her look was bright and burning.

He was not just a tool to facilitate the book; he was her savior!

Unfortunately, the original owner didn't care much about Jungkook Lisa had no recollection of Jungkook's hobbies or what favorite food.

Lisa brought over a chair while looking at Jungkook focusing on his puzzle.

Sitting down next to him, she said with a smile, "Jungkook, let me help you. It will go much faster with the two of us." How boring was it to play by himself? She was sure it'd make him happy if she played with him.

Jungkook's head was still lowered. He was very focused and did not respond to Lisa.

Lisa picked up one of the pieces. She compared it to the original drawing, trying to figure out where it'd go. Nevertheless, it looked like it could go just about anywhere on this drawing of a night sky.

Lisa looked for an approximately spot and tried to place it.

"That's wrong," said the man in his deep and dull voice.

Jungkook picked up the piece of puzzle that she had put down and moved it to a different spot.

Lisa picked up another, triple checked herself, before she placed it in a corner spot.

"That's wrong." Jungkook corrected her once again.

She was, again, corrected by Jungkook when she put down her third piece.

Lisa's eyes widened.

"How could you tell that I was wrong? They all look the same." As soon as Lisa had finished saying that, she saw a little dark cloud popped into the indicator over Jungkook's head.

Lisa dared not go on. She could stoop very low in order to live. "Aye, I was wrong."

There was no little sun; she had managed to bring about a dark cloud. 

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