187.Lili was bad. Liar. Abandoned him. (1)

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It was the nighttime.

When Lisa came out of shower, she noticed that Jungkook was already in bed.

He had on a red pajama with big blue flowers today. The blue and red were very eye-catching.

Walking over to him, Lisa noticed that there was a little black cloud in Jungkook's indicator.

He was unhappy?

Lisa turned the light off and the room turned dark.

She had just laid down when the man next to her scooted over to her.

"What's the matter?" Lisa knew that he was unhappy.

Jungkook's chest was against Lisa's back, and he buried his head in Lisa's shoulder and nuzzled her.

His voice was aggrieved in the night, "Odd Big Sister, no rid of me."

The warm breath landed on Lisa's neck and it tickled a little.

The whispering of Jungkook next to her ear made her ears weak.

Jungkook seemed to be feeling very aggrieved. Like a pitiful little thing, he continued to mumble, "No rid of me. No rid."

Jungkook did not know how to explain or defend himself. He only knew that Odd Big Sister couldn't leave him again.

He nuzzled her with his head in the nook of her neck like a clingy little puppy who did not want to let go of its owner. It grunted and pleaded with the owner to not get rid of him.

"Get rid of you? Why would I do such a thing?" Lisa was a bit baffled.

She had no idea why Jungkook would have such a strange thought out of the blue.

She turned to face him and, under the dim light, Jungkook's beautiful cherry-blossom eyes were dim. His lips were pinched shut and there was a little black cloud over his head.

He was still unhappy.

Lisa wooed him. "This is your home. Nobody will get rid of you."

Jungkook said anxiously, "You not rid, me."

Lisa pinched his cold and white handsome face as she smiled and said, "Right. I won't be gotten rid of either."

The little black cloud disappeared from Jungkook's indicator over his head the next second.

Lisa was stunned. So he was unhappy because he thought he was about to be ditched?

Lisa found that comical. What was going on in that head of his? Why would he had such cute thoughts?

Lisa and Jungkook faced each other, and she told him, "We are husband and wife. We are bound together legally. If we are to split up and no longer want to be with each other, we will both need to sign our names."

Jungkook blinked and said, "No sign, me."

Lisa's eyes curved from her smile. "Right. If you don't sign it, we will have to continue to be together."

There was light inside Jungkook's pitch-black eyes. He looked at Lisa quietly and was in a daze. He wanted to be with Odd Big Sister.

Lisa leaded over and planted her lips on his. "Now go to bed."

She earned another little sun.

Jungkook liked tit for tat. He, too, leaned over to Lisa and, voluntarily and shyly, kissed Lisa on her lips before he closed his eyes and went to bed.

Looking at the extra sun that she had gained, Lisa smiled. She now had a total of 134 little suns in her little storage.

The Kim's have properties all over the world and Old Mr. Kim even have a lot of houses in City B.

It was quiet in the night.

The butler stood next Old Mr. Kim and guarded him. "Old Mr. Kim, it's getting late. The doctor said that you need to get a lot of rest."

Old Mr. Kim looked at the photos. There were photos of his wife, his son when he was young, and also Lisa's photos from when she was a child all the way into adulthood. He adjusted his classes and flipped through the photos one by one.

"I feel good today. I'm not tired yet." Even though the result of the DNA test was not out yet, Old Mr. Kim had already made his own decision.

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