94.Did he recognize her or did he not? (1)

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Lisa looked at her little storage. She had only 4 little suns remaining. She had spent a total of 36 little suns during her last trip.

The little suns didn't go very far.

Lisa summoned Lee Know. "How many little suns will I need for my next trip?"

She had already mentally prepared herself that with each trip, she would be needing even more little suns.

Lee Know told her cautiously: [Host, you will need 50 little suns next time.]

Lisa gasped. Hot dang! Straight up 20 more little suns!

"Do you think I am playing a game of Plants v Zombies? Do you think Jungkook is just like the sun flower in the game and can produce limitless little suns? And that it is easy to obtain little suns from him?"

Lee Know: [Host, I can tell you right now that you will only need more little suns the further you go.] With comparison, its host would know that what she needed right now was just a very small amount.

"Shut up. Don't tell me that right now."

Lisa had a bad feeling. She worried that she would burst out crying if she found out now. It was better that she found them out one at a time. At least she would feel discouraged.

When Lisa woke up the next morning, she saw that Jungkook had already woken up and had changed into his red workout clothing, getting ready for his morning jog.

She must say that Jungkook was handsome and tall and he looked especially good in the red workout gear. Red was a good color on him.

She was dazed looking at him from the bed.

Jungkook had placed the clothes that he had changed out of neatly on their usual spots. Even his shoes were put in the exact same spot as usual.

It was as though every piece of clothing and every pair of shoes had been marked in his brain. He would always remember where they belong.

Lisa was very impressed at how clean and neat Jungkook was.

Contrary to him, Lisa would normally just toss her clothes aside. If it wasn't for the domestic helpers at home, there would be piles of her clothes and very messy.

Suddenly, Jungkook turned and looked at her.

Lisa curved her lips. "Morning."

Jungkook gave her a blank look as he walked over to her.

While Lisa was still shocked, Jungkook bent down and got close to her.

"What is it?" Jungkook's face got bigger and bigger in front of her and his beautiful pair of cherry-blossom eyes stared straight at her.

Yes, he was staring at her as though he was seeing something through her. His eyes drew a blank but also dubious at the same time.

Jungkook reached his hand out and touched Lisa on her cheeks.

Lisa could feel his slender and long fingers running over his brows and nose.

Just like when she had transmigrated over, the youthful Jungkook, too, had touched her face in the dark.

Was that his way to recognizing someone?

Jungkook's fingertips were chilly and, with them running over her lips, Lisa could feel her face began to burn. He had no idea that he was teasing her.

"Jungkook." Lisa couldn't help but asked him, "Why are you stroking me? Do you remember me?"

Jungkook didn't say anything. He etched her features once.

After a long while, he finally said slowly, "Ugly."

Lisa, "......"

He was calling her ugly, again!

Jungkook looked at her a few times, retrieved his hand, and repeated in his dull and low voice, "Ugly."

He got up and left after he finished talking.

Lisa punched the bed in anger. What was so ugly about her? She had already regained 33% of her beauty. She was totally delicate and pretty.

Jungkook's idea of beauty was off.

Then again, Lisa recalled that Jungkook had always been looking at her original, impeccably pretty look. In comparison, one-third of her original look was quite ugly.

She sighed. She wished she could earn lots of little suns and get all of her halo back.

But, did Jungkook recognize her or did he not?

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