83.Jungkook, had grown even taller than the last time she saw him. (2)

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"Lali sprained her ankle though. I had them delivered her dinner upstairs to her." Mother Jeon asked Father Jeon, "Have you heard anything back from the police station yet?"

"The person insisted that he was driving drunk. The man that I've sent was able to confirmed that he was having lunch with a bunch of friends in the afternoon and did have quite a bit to drink." The man that Father Jeon sent did not find anything suspicious.

"Lali said that the man aimed straight at them while depressing the gas pedal." Mother Jeon frowned, "Did he mistaken the gas pedal as the brake?"

"He drank quite a bit and reeked of alcohol when they took him to the police station. That was a likely scenario." A dark light crossed Father Jeon's sharp eyes. The more innocent it seemed, the less innocent it was. He would continue to have people follow up on this stealthily.

"Drunk driving is the worst."

Mother Jeon hated those who do not follow the law. They don't just hurt themselves; they hurt others as well. "Luckily Lali reacted quickly this time and pushed Kook out of the way in time; otherwise......"

She did not even want to think about what could have happened.

Mother Jeon exhorted, "Let them know to not let him off lightly. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Mingyu couldn't agree with her more. "Mom is right. It was entirely luck that little brother is okay this time."

He turned to Father Jeon and suggested, "Dad, let me handle this. Even if it is just drunk driving, we should still be careful. I will have someone continue to look into it."

That was Father Jeon's thoughts as well, "Mmm. Okay, you can take it over from this point forward."

Mingyu, "I will get justice for little brother."

At the same time, Jungkook put down the chopsticks that were in his hand, grabbed the napkin next to him, and began his daily routine.

He wiped cleaned the area on the table in front of him, folded the napkin and tossed it into the trash can before he got up from his seat.

"Kook, you are done eating?" asked Mother Jeon.

Jungkook headed upstairs without responding to her.

Looking at Jungkook's emptied bowl, Mother Jeon was very surprised, "It normally takes Kook almost half an hour to eat dinner. It only took him 10 minutes today?"

Suddenly, she busted out laughing when something occurred to her. "Lali did not eat with us downstairs today. He wanted to finish faster to go and keep her company?"

Her son had his fixed spot every day and would also eat at the fixed time. His life was repetitive and routine. If the routine was broken, he would become irritated.

But he just broke his routine for Lisa.

Mingyu agreed with his mother. "Looks like the doctor was right. Lisa had a lot of influence on little brother."

Mother Jeon nodded with a big smile on her face.

Sure enough, Lisa was very special to Jungkook.

Inside the bedroom, Lisa sat in front of the desk enjoying her dinner that was brought up to her. She must say that the chefs at the Jeon family were amazing. They made her eat a few extra bites every day.

The door to the bedroom opened up.

She saw Jungkook, in his red workout clothes, walked inside.

Jungkook was tall and worked out every morning. Even though his pants, Lisa could tell how powerful his two long legs were.

"Weren't you eating dinner downstairs?" He would not have normally finished so soon.

He walked over to Lisa and sat down.

"You are done eating already?" asked Lisa.

There were no emotions on Jungkook's clear and handsome face. "Mmm," he grumbled.

Lisa wouldn't think much if anyone else had finished their meals faster than normal but Jungkook was not "anyone else". His routines were fixed.

She leaned over to him and asked tentatively, "Did you come upstairs to keep me company?"

Jungkook lowered his eyes and his eyelids fluttered. He finally grunted again after a little while.

She was right!

Oh mi! How was this man so docile? She thought she would die!

Lisa felt that she would be an awful villain if she teased him again.

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