93.The strange big sister had lied to him. (3)

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Hearing Mother Jeon urging Jungkook to blow out the candles, Lisa leaned into Jungkook's ear and taught him, "Kookie, close your eyes, make a wish, then blow out the candles."

Lisa wooed him. "That way your birthday wish will come true."

Jungkook blinked.

He closed his eyes under everyone's gaze.

Mother and Father Jeon and even Mingyu and the butler standing nearby all heard Jungkook making his birthday wish for a change.

Jungkook's voice was low and dull. He said slowly, "Not disappear, Strange Big Sister."

"What strange big sister?" Mother Jeon was surprised that her son had made a wish but she had no idea what he was talking about.

Mingyu had long since gotten used to his brother's gibberish. He smiled and said, "Happy birthday, little brother."

Jungkook didn't say anything but faced the candles and closed his eyes.

Jungkook's youthful brows and eyes were traced by the dim light of the candles. His long and straight eyelashes fluttered and he looked very serious.

The others didn't understand what Jungkook was talking about but Lisa, standing next to him, did. Her heart had, once again, ached with a dull pain.

His birthday wish was for her to not leave.

Jungkook blew out all of the candles seriously after he made his wish.

He wanted his wish to come true.

Mother and Father Jeon smiled and clapped their hands. The others around them also said their congratulatory words to Jungkook.

Amidst the lively noises, Jungkook leaned into Jungkook's ear and said to him softly, "Happy birthday, Kookie."

Her warm breath landing on his ear made him happy. His thin lips perked up a little and a small dimple could be seen on him.

Mother Jeon hadn't seen Jungkook smiled in a long time. When she noticed her son smiling all of a sudden, she grabbed Father Jeon's hand excitedly. "Look, Xiao Jue is smiling. He is happy that we threw a birthday party for him."

Father Jeon stroked his wife's slightly messy hair. There was tenderness in his piercing eyes. "You are right."

He looked down and looked at Jungkook's pretty and pink lips.

Jungkook suddenly recalled what he saw on the roof the other day. How the boy had planted his lips on the girl's.

He wasn't silly. He knew that was a kiss.

Jungkook recalled how the boy did it and, lowering his head, he laned in even closer, his face almost touching Lisa's.

His breath was warm and Lisa's eyes were filled with shock.

Jungkook planted his lips gently and tentatively on Lisa's and he felt softness.

Soft and fragrant. It was a fragrance that he liked.

It was just a quick peck. Not really a kiss.

Ignorantly, Jungkook wanted more and, the next second, the feeling on his lips disappeared gradually and the person in front of him faded out more and more until she was gone completely.

Jungkook's dark black eyes were stunned and he couldn't even move.

Next to him, noticing that her son was in a trance, Mother Jeon patted him quickly and said to him, "Kook, you need to cut the cake."

Jungkook turned to look at the candles on the cake that he had blown out. His long and straight eyelashes fluttered, leaving two shadows on his cheeks.

He stood there quietly for a long time, like a pitiful little thing.

The strange big sister had lied to him.

He made a wish. But she disappeared anyway.


Lisa opened up her eyes in dim light.

She touched her lips with her hand and they still seemed to be tingling.

Lisa pursed her lips forcefully. She turned to look at Jungkook that was lying in bed next to her. He had kissed her for no reason. Certainly, he watched Goenhee kissing the beauty queen and picked it up from them.

Yup. It was easy to make a good kid bad.

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