136.I am Big Sister. (2)

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Mother Jeon tightened her lips a little, feeling somewhat fragile. "It's not so bad that I need to be supported."

"Oh, I misspoke." Eunha mimicked being a sweet talker. "It should be Dad who's supporting you."

Mother Jeon couldn't help but smiled.

At the very same time, inside of the hotel room, the fragrant grew stronger in the air and made one's body rise up in temperature.

The female worker undid the button on her collar and lifted her head to look at Jungkook. She was looking very seductive.

"Are you not thirsty, Mr. Jeon?" The female worker asked him. "Why don't you have some wine first? You will feel better after just one sip."

Jungkook's eyelid trembled a little. Under the light, his suit was a blaring red color, but his lips were brighter than that.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the woman next to him. She looked a little like Lisa.

His eyesight was blurred, and his breathing became heavier. There was what looked like desire between his clear and pretty brows and his beautiful cherry-blossom eyes were dazed and limpid.

His deep voice sounded like it was squeezed out of his throat, "Miss Odd Big Sister, me."

The female worker was delighted. "I am Big Sister."


The banquet was about to begin. Mother Jeon felt much better after having her medicines with some hot water.

Lisa, sitting next to Mother Jeon, felt better after seeing that Mother Jeon's look had returned to normal.

Lisa stood up.

"Where are you going?" Eunha's reacted to her immediately. "The banquet is about to begin. We are about to head out and Mingyu is the only one out there with the guests. He is going to need help."

Eunha turned her head, smiled, and said to Mother Jeon coquettishly, "Mom, you can't side with Xiao Zhi and let her weasel out of this."

Mother Jeon patted her on her hand. "There's not much to do there. Lali does not need to stay."

Eunha carried on saying, "Here I thought I could go with Lali and leech off of some of Mom's glory."

Mother Jeon felt that her first daughter-in-law was being a particular sweet talker today. "Listen to you."

Lisa glanced at Eunha with scrutiny. Her eyes curving a little, she said, "I had just stood up and haven't even said a word yet and you just rambled on all on your own."

Eunha breathing paused for a second.

Lisa smiled and said, "I am just heading to the bathroom. What are you so worried about?"

Eunha's look recovered. "I was worried? I was not worried." She sighed. "I am still frazzled after what had happened to Mom earlier."

Mother Jeon's stomachache was completely unexpected.

She had other plans prior, but Mother Jeon's stomachache was a better reason.

Lisa looked straight at her, said nothing, and walked out of the rest area.

The second that the door to the rest area closed behind her, Lisa's face dropped.

She lifted the train of her dress and ran to the elevator.

Inside the hotel room.

The light from the candle waved. Through the light, there was a thin layer of blush on Jungkook's cold and fair face.

His lips were shut tightly, and he was frowning.

The female server, next to him, was soft like water. Under the light, her eyes glistened. She looked up at the outstanding man in front of her.

She had been around a few men before but none as outstanding as this Mr. Jeon.

So what if he was autistic? He was good looking and had a strong family background. Even if he never spoke a word his entire life, he was still better than those poor, greasy men who were bald with a beer gut.

This might be her only chance to come into contact with someone of Mr. Jeon's caliber in this lifetime.

She must take advantage of this opportunity.

The female server wanted to push herself against Jungkook's leg as she repeated said, "Mr. Jeon, I am Big Sister."

Jungkook looked up. His dark eyes blank and ignorant. He looked over at the female server's face.

The female server met Jungkook's eyes, and she felt delighted.

Jungkook tightened his lips, his voice low and hoarse, "Ugly, you."

You are ugly.

The female server looked shocked.

Then, she heard anger in the man's low and hoarse voice. "Scram, you."

Jungkook was like a puppy that had snapped. He said meanly to her, "Scram, you."

The female worker recollected herself. She had just felt that Mr. Jeon was cold and mysterious earlier and now, all of a sudden, she found him cute.

Some people tried to hard to appear cute, but this Mr. Jeon's cuteness was real.

The female server gathered up her courage and reached out her hand. She wanted to stroke his handsome face.

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