172.Odd Big Sister, I miss. (1)

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"Is this where it hurt?" Lisa paused a little and quickly touched where her hand had stroked just a moment ago.

The young man's body tightened uncontrollably instantly. It felt somewhat uncomfortable and also somewhat comfortable. He looked at Lisa in a daze in the dark.

"Odd Big Sister, Odd Big Sister......" Jungkook called out softly. His dull voice in the very crammed space was enough to make one's ear tingle.

Lisa's face reddened and she quickly retracked her hand. It would be impossible not to figure out what was going on with Jungkook now.

It was the same reaction that big Kookie had in the past. Little Kookie was the exact same way.

He hadn't changed one bit.

The other difference was that big Kookie would shyly express that he desired more.

Xiao Kookie, however, could only called out to her in a daze. He was even more innocent and youthful than big Kookie.

Know that he wasn't hurt, Lisa retrieved her hand, blushing.

The young man looked at Lisa quietly with his black eyes and called out to her in a low voice again, "Odd Big Sister......"

Lisa took advantage of the fact that he was still very innocent and had no idea what was going on. She reached out, pinched him on his cheek and said, "I'll get you out in a little bit."

She was certain now. They were inside a metal chest. She had no idea why Jungkook was locked up inside of it.

"Wait for me here. I will be right back."

Having said that, Lisa passed through the metal wall of the chest and disappeared from the crammed space.

Jungkook's limpid eyes dimmed down. He lowered his head. His legs flexed, he sat there quietly in the dark.

Lisa went through the metal wall and left the box. Once she was outside, she noticed that there were a lot of merchandizes around them but no other people in sight.

Who locked Jungkook in there?

Lisa looked around carefully and noticed that there were no surveillance cameras inside the storage room. She spent one little sun in exchange for a minute's time for a physical form.

She unlocked the metal box from the outside and opened it up.

She saw the young man in red curled up inside the small space, looking pitiful like a puppy abandoned by its owner.

The light from above his head made him looked up. He looked at Lisa quietly with his cherry-blossom eyes.

Odd Big Sister did not take off.

"C'mon out. I'll take you home," said Lisa softly.

Jungkook reached his hand out to her.

Lisa pulled him out.

Lisa only noticed when the young man was standing in front of her that he hadn't changed much both in terms of height and look, as though she had just seen him recently.

Was Jungkook still a sophomore in high school?

Lisa headed toward the door while holding Jungkook in her hand. She pulled opened the door to the storage and the two were able to get out easily.

There was nobody outside either and nobody was there guarding them. It didn't look like Jungkook was kidnapped. It was more like a prank just for the sake of locking him out.

"Who locked you up in there, Jungkook?" asked Lisa.

Jungkook lowered his eyes and his hand that was holding onto Lisa's tightened. He didn't say anything.

Lisa continued to walk forward with Jungkook in tow. Now she noticed Golden Mane and Red Mane standing around the corner sneakily.

The two looked around from time to time and, when they saw Jungkook, Red Mane was so shocked that even his cigarette fell out from his mouth. "How... how did you get out?"

Golden Mane scolded him. "You must not have closed the door properly earlier."

They were the ones who locked Jungkook up? They hadn't learned their lesson from the last time when they were beaten up?

Lisa frowned.

Golden Mane walked over to Jungkook while rubbing his hands together.

Lisa blocked in front of Jungkook, worried that they would try something else with Jungkook.

The very next second, however, Golden Mane chuckled politely and in a very polite tone, he asked, "Young... Young Master Jeon, how come you got out? Do you need us to lock you up again?"

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