82.Jungkook, had grown even taller than the last time she saw him. (1)

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Lisa was very pleased with her harvest today.

With her new acquired 30 little suns, she could not go and rescue Jungkook.

"Let's go. Bring me back into our room." The silly little thing stopped right where they were. Had she shocked him silly?

But, judging from all the little suns that had popped out, he obviously quite enjoyed her touching or even kissing him on his chin.

Jungkook's back remained straight, his body tense, and he carried Lisa toward their room without making a sound.

Lisa leaned against Jungkook's chest. His chest was board, sturdy, and quite comfortable to lean on. "Jungkook, you can just put me on the couch."

Jungkook stood in front of the couch with Lisa on his arm and he stopped moving.

"Put me down already," urged Lisa.

Lisa looked up at him, "What's the matter?"

Suddenly, Jungkook lowered his head and thrusted his chin over to her. "More, kiss."

Lisa, "......"

Looking at Lisa, Jungkook said slowly, "Give you kiss, more kiss."

Looking into Jungkook's dark and clean eyes, Lisa blushed. She suddenly felt that she had taught a good kid bad things.

"You like what I have done to you?" asked Lisa.

The straight and dense black eyelashes fluttered and his head remained low. His delicate chin moved even closer to Lisa. He responded in a low voice, "Mmhmm."

Lisa reached out and touch his chin. There were no little suns.

Something occurred to her, she looked up and said to him, "Give me a smile and I will kiss you. Otherwise what I do is pointless."

Jungkook blinked and gave her a blank look.

"Just smile." Lisa's lips curved upward. "You like me kissing you on your chin, right? Then give me a smile."

She leaned into him, her lips always touching his chin and she seduced and wooed him, "Hurry."

Jungkook's perfectly shaped lips curved, somewhat stiffly. A small dimple appeared on the side of his pale cheek.

He was handsome and distanced but there was, all of a sudden, an added cleanness and childishness that appeared on him.

Lisa felt that something poked at her heart and it was a little ticklish.

Lisa moved her lips slowly and gently touched his chin. She saw a little sun appeared in his indicator.

She was able to squeeze out more.

The warm and fragrance breath hit Jungkook's cheek and his little dimple deepened.

Lisa touched him again gently and a second little sun appeared.

Lisa kissed him a few more times and it finally stopped after 5 little suns.

It looked like she had really squeezed him dry this time.

Lisa backed off, like a scum who was about to toss him aside now that she was done using him. "Okay, I am done."

Jungkook's beautiful cherry-blossom eyes were black, bright, and limpid. He looked at Lisa, dazed, and said, "Kiss me again."

Lisa couldn't help but reached out and pinched him on his cheek. "You greedy little thing." She moved her body some. "Aren't you tired carrying me this whole time? Hurry up and put me down."

"No tired me." Jungkook pursed his lips a little and placed Lisa onto the couch.

Lisa counted her safe. She now had a total of 35 little suns. They were blinking a sea of gold!

Lisa selfishly wanted to exchange them all for her halo. The thought of getting 35% of her halo back was too tempting.

But, looking at Jungkook that was standing in front of her, her heart softened and she decided to go save him instead.

She had exchanged for her halo last time so she will go and save him this time. They would take turns.

That night, Mother Jeon had the kitchen prepared Lisa's food separately and brought it upstairs for her.

Jungkook sat at his usual spot to have his dinner.

Mingyu took off his suit jacket and had someone hung it up for him. Sitting down in front of Jungkook, he said, "I've heard about what happened today. Is Kook alright?"

Mother Jeon said, "He wasn't hurt."

Mingyu looked like he felt relieved, "I'm glad to hear that."

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