115.Lisa turned and saw the healthy Sehun walking toward her. (2)

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Lisa smiled at him apologetically. She didn't do that on purpose!

Looking at her little safe again, Lisa was almost blinded by the rows and rows of little golden suns.

The sea of shiny little suns pressing against each other was certainly a delightful scene.

Lisa counted them roughly. She had 40 suns before but she gained another 50 while she was drunk!

She was one in the possession of 90 little suns right now!

How did she get so many of them?!

Lisa looked back at the red marks and the tooth print on Jungkook's neck. They were very obvious. Lisa knew that with Jungkook's docile personality, he would not have fought her but would just let her have her ways with him.

Lisa felt guilty. She touched the tooth print on Jungkook's neck and sensing him tensing, she whispered to him, "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

The slightly chilled fingertips ran past her skin and Jungkook remembered how he had begged Lisa in the afternoon and how she had kissed and nibbled him over and over again.

His long and straight eyelashes fluttered and covered up Jungkook's limpid eyes. His hoarse voice was a little deep. "Not hurt me."

He wasn't hurt.

The marks on Jungkook's neck were very obvious. Lisa grabbed her foundation and applied a thick layer on him to somewhat cover them up.

It was dinner time and buffet was provided by the hotel.

Lisa ran into a lot of Jungkook's old classmates in the dining hall.

Lisa brought Jungkook over to a spot next to the window. They could almost see the entire night scene of the resort from there.

"What do you want to eat? I will go and get them," said Lisa.

Jungkook blinked and did not respond to her.

"Okay. My call then." It had been a while and Lisa had an idea about what Jungkook liked. He was a very picky eater and would not eat anything that he didn't like.

"You wait for me here then. I'll go get us some food." Considering the number of people by the buffet table, Lisa decided against bringing him with.

Jungkook lowered his eyes and sat up straight. He reassured her that he would be staying right there waiting for her.

Lisa finally walked away after that.

Nevertheless, shortly after Lisa had walked away, a woman in a red floral dress came over and sat down in front of Jungkook.

"Hi, Jungkook." The woman brushed her hair back behind her ear and gave him a seductive smile. "Are you here by yourself? What a coincidence, me too."

Jungkook ignored the woman in front of him and did not respond to her.

Yeon Woo was going to leave after being slapped by Nancy.

Then, it occurred to her that how the others would look at her if she had just taken off like that? Besides, she saw that Nancy was so drunk that she needed someone helped her back into her room. At this rate, she wouldn't even wake up till tomorrow.

She decided against leaving right away.

Besides, she had more important things to do. She didn't want to take off just yet.

Looking at Jungkook, Yeon Woo must say that he was super handsome even with autism. Just his face alone was already much better than all the other greasy middle-aged men.

She looked Jungkook up and down and, per her experience, she gathered that he was probably still a v1rgin.

A man like him was certainly a treasure.

When Nancy was going after Jungkook openly back when they were in the same class, Yeon Woo had mocked privately that Nancy had poor taste in man and that she was in love with a fool.

Now she realized that she was the good who had let the opportunity pass her by.

There weren't that many men out there who were rich, handsome, and fit like Jungkook.

Yeon Woo stared at Jungkook as though she could devour him whole. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

Jungkook said nothing.

Yeon Woo was delighted. "Okay, if you don't say anything, I am going to assume you are okay with that."

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