123.Get out of my way, Nancy. (3)

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Jungkook ignored her and wanted to leave.

"We haven't even got to my cake part yet. Don't go just yet," said Nancy eagerly.

"Yeah, Jungkook, we haven't cut the cake yet. Stay until after the cake." Yeon Woo, too, had walked over and chimed in.

Jungkook's lips were pinched shut. "I leave."

"If you are going leave, you have to at least finish up these few glasses of wine before I will let you go." Nancy, after her few glasses of wine, was already slightly drunk. She did, however, still recall her purpose today.

She wanted to kiss Jungkook so, naturally, she could just let him go so easily.

Lisa, next to them, felt that Nancy was being too unreasonable.

The others, too, chimed in asking Jungkook to stay until after the cake.

Lisa had no other options but to walk through the door, went into the stairway, made sure that there was no surveillance camera, before she spent 20 little suns in exchange for 20 minutes of visible time.

Lisa felt cold the second that she materialized. She only had on a thin dress and the coldness made gave her goosebumps.

She quickly got out of the stairway.

Lisa opened up the door when she returned to the private room.

The guests inside were still trying to keep Jungkook when, the very next second, the door swung open abruptly and a girl in a beige color dress walked inside. The girl was so pretty that many of them were dazed.

Nancy was the first to recollect herself.

She had already had some alcohol in her and, when she saw the girl appearing out of nowhere, she couldn't help but praised her, "You are so pretty."

Yeon Woo was speechless. Nancy didn't just like to look at handsome boys; she also liked pretty girls. To put it simply, she liked looking at anyone who was attractive. She was a typical shallow person who only cared about one's look.

Yeon Woo said to her, "This is room 302. You are in the wrong room."

"No, I am in the right room." Lisa walked toward Jungkook and, smiling at him, said, "I'm looking for my boyfriend."

Everybody was shocked!

Jungkook was her boyfriend?

The noisy private room quieted down all of a sudden. Someone had stopped the music.

Everyone looked over at Lisa. The girl skin was fair and her features delicate and perfect. They could see her limpid eyes even under the dim light and they were very pretty.

A pretty and delicate girl like her was Jungkook's girlfriend?

Jungkook had always been thought of as someone who was cold, withdrawn, and only like to be alone. Nobody would ever think that he would have a girlfriend.

Yeon Woo quickly tugged at Nancy, trying to wake her up. She leaned into Nancy's ear and whispered to her, "She's Jungkook's girlfriend. She is here to fight over Jungkook with you."

Nancy shuddered. "No way. I like Jungkook. I am going to kiss him."

"You go, girl." Yeon Woo instigated.

Lisa walked over to Jungkook, picked his hand up, and said, "Let's go."

Jungkook looked over at her, then at her hand that was holding onto his, and said docilely, "Mmm."

Nancy walked in front of Lisa and said in a catty way, "You can't leave."

Lisa frowned. She did not want to engage with a drunk person. "And why not?"

Nancy looked into Lisa's limpid and pretty eyes and indulged herself. Her arrogance just a second ago all disappeared into nowhere and she said, with a guilty conscience, "I...... I am about to cut the cake. Can you and Jungkook stay for the cake?"

"Jungkook doesn't like it here. I am taking him with me now," said Lisa. "Nancy, get out of my way."

Nancy looked at Lisa's pretty face. Her lips moved some and she wanted to say that she wouldn't stop them from leaving.

She had always been a sucker to attractive people ever since she was a child.

She liked good-looking people and had wanted to befriend Jungkook ever since she saw little Jungkook still with his baby fat.

Lisa started walking toward the door with Jungkook in tow

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