128.Don't lick my fingers, Jungkook. (1)

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Lisa noticed that had returned.

She looked over at Jungkook who was sound asleep next to her. Under the dim light, his chiseled features looked mild and childish.

Lisa looked at him for a while before she finally closed her eyes and went to sleep at peace.

Lisa woke up the next day when she felt movements next to her.

She opened up her eyes and saw Jungkook, in his floral sleepwear, got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

Lisa blinked and slowly woken up. She was shocked when she saw the décor inside the room.

Wait, shouldn't she be at the Oh's resort right now? The familiar decors in front of her, however, told her that they were in their own room at the Oh's.

Lisa frowned. When did she and Jungkook return? She had just left for the reunion with Jungkook the day before.

She found that hard to believe.

After Jungkook had returned from the bathroom, Lisa asked him, "Jungkook, do you remember when we took off from the resort?"

Water droplets rolled down Jungkook's chiseled face. He looked at Lisa blankly, having no idea what she was talking about.

Lisa asked again, "Do you still remember the reunion?"

Jungkook tightened his lips some and shook his head.

Lisa had an idea. Perhaps this, too, had changed because the past had been altered.

There was no reunion and, as such, she and Jungkook never went to the resort.

Lisa noticed that Mother Jeon was home when she walked downstairs.

Mother Jeon had on a peacock green dress with a pearl necklace today. On her hand was a red jade bracelet. It was both elegant and delicate. Mother Jeon always dressed very presentable no matter the time.

Lisa walked to her in the living room and asked, "Mom, do you remember Jungkook and I heading to the reunion yesterday?"

Mother Jeon was baffled. "Reunion? Who's reunion? I remember you and him holding up in the study yesterday and I even had Aunty Hua brought you dessert."

Lisa had confirmed, once again, that the events had changed.

Shortly after breakfast, Lisa was chatting with Mother Jeon. Eunha, sitting to one side, looked over at Lisa's face from time to time.

That gave Lisa an illusion that Eunha wished she could rip Lisa's face off and put it on her own.

She still hasn't given up yet.

Lisa didn't care about Eunha's look. It wasn't like her look could harm her.

The butler came over and said to Mother Jeon, "Madam, the young miss of the Oh's is here to visit."

Mother Jeon put her cup down and was pleasantly surprised. "Oh, hurry up and show her in."

"Yes, Madam."

Lisa's eyes beamed when she heard that Nancy was visiting. She was curious to find out whether Nancy still remembered her.

After a long while, the butler returned bringing Nancy with him.

"Aunty Jeon." With a sweet smile on her, Nancy walked up and greeted Mother Lu.

Mother Jeon had her sat down next to her. "I heard that you have just returned from abroad recently?"

"I returned last Friday." Nancy was a cute girl and she was sweet and docile when she buttered up to the elderlies. "I came to visit Aunty Jeon today and Jungkook and the others as well."

Mother Jeon smiled and patted her on her hand before she introduced Lisa and Eunha. "This is Nancy, the young miss of the Oh's. She helped Kook a lot when they were young and she attended the same school as Kook from grade school all the way to senior high school."

She turned to Nancy and said, "This is Jung Eunha, my first daughter-in-law, and this is Kim Lalisa, Kook's wife."

Nancy looked over at Lisa and was shocked, "You?"

Lisa smiled, "You still remember me?"

Nancy wasn't very certain earlier. She felt that Lisa looked a little different from before. She wasn't as stunning as when she had first met her. But, hearing Lisa's words, she knew that she had the right person.

"Of course I do." Nancy nodded.

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