64.Strange Big Sister disappeared for 823 days; counted every single day. (1)

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Jungkook was only up to her chest area last time she was here but he was now an adolescent boy that was taller than her.

Lisa found that fascinating. She was watching her husband grew up!

"Do you still remember me, Jungkook?" Lisa asked tentatively.

It had just been a few days since she had last saw little Jungkook but it had been years for him.

The adolescence Jungkook looked up at her and said nothing. He even pulled his hand out from Lisa's hand.

Lisa was taken aback a little. Little Jungkook had forgotten about her?

She felt a little disappointed. "Why are you here? Where's the chauffeur?"

Those with autism like watching things that spin. Tires that spin quickly on the road attract their attention a lot. On top of that, they don't know to avoid the cars. It is very dangerous to have them alone on the street.

Lisa frowned. "Did you mother know that you are out here on your own?"

Jungkook pinched his lips shut for a little while before he said, "823."

He was an adolescent right now. He voice was hoarse, very different from his deep voice in his adult life.

"What 823?" Lisa didn't understand what he was trying to say.

Jungkook's eyes were half lowered. His long and upright lashes fluttered a little. His skin was cold and light-colored. His still-childish eyes and bows frowned a little. He looked discontented and a little aggrieved.

He looked pitiful, almost.

Lisa felt that her heart had been poked by his finger tipped and it was all softened.

She lightened up her voice and asked again. "Can you tell me what is the meaning of 823?"

"823 days," said Jungkook as he looked up at her with his black and serene eyes.

Lisa didn't understand what he was trying to say right away.

Jungkook lowered his eyes again and ignored her.

Still baffled, she asked him, "Jungkook, how long have you been out? Did you come out on your own?" Mother Lu wouldn't have left Jungkook left by himself.

"Myself." Jungkook's adolescence voice was dull.

As though aware that his voice was odd and not pleasing to the ears, he quickly shut his mouth after he finished talking.

He came out on his own?

Lisa frowned. "Let me take you home. I'm sorry they are worried about you."

Jungkook said nothing nor did he decline her.

She had no idea how long Jungkook had been out. The sun was beating down and Lisa could see that Jungkook's lips were very dry.

"Are you thirsty? Let me go get you some water?" Lisa suddenly recalled that she had no money on her. "Do you have money on you?"

Jungkook blinked and pulled money out of the pocket on his pants.

Lisa didn't take the money from him but she brought him in the direction of the park in front of them.

Jungkook could see her so her appearing would not make any difference to him but the other pedestrians on the road would be startled when a person suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

There weren't a lot of people in the park. Lisa spent 10 little suns in exchange of appearing for 10 minutes.

The second that she appeared, Lisa could feel the heat around her and how strong the sun was.

That was incredible. Lisa found the effect of the little suns incredulous.

And Jungkook, the source of the little suns...... Lisa gave him a look. He was still silly and cute.

Lisa's lips too were dry from the heat. Holding Jungkook's hand, she said, "Let's go."

She brought him to where they sell water.

It was the middle of summer and the entire city felt like a steamer. They had only been walking for a little while and Lisa had started sweating already.

There was a little supermarket next to the park and Lisa walked there with Jungkook.

She bought two bottles of water.

The boss lady who was munching on melon seeds were surprised by the beauty of the girl. She had no idea how it happened but the girl had a delicate face, her eyes large and limpid and her lips red like she had lipstick on. Even her skin was light like milk.

She didn't know how to describe the girl but she felt that the girl in front of her was prettier than the stars on television with heavy makeup.

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