110."I've been wanting to hit you for a while now." (2)

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Yeon Woo stared flatly at Jungkook with her eyes that were covered in heavy eyeshadow. How was it that she had never noticed a top-noticed man like Jungkook when they were in the same class together? How was it that she never tried to befriend him?*

She recalled that Jungkook was part of the Jeon family.

The Jeon family. The wealthiest of the wealthy. Their existence in and of itself was a legend.

Ever since she had graduated and joined the workforce, she more and more realized how difficult it was for a peon to climb up in life.

She knew full well the importance of finding oneself a rich man or networking.

Everyone in class used to make fun of Jungkook's autism but, now, with his family background, Jungkook definitely outshone everyone else there. Many probably regretted not befriending Jungkook back in the days.*

Yeon Woo stood up and waved at Jungkook with a smile. "Jungkook, there's an open seat here. You can sit over here."

Everybody saw how aggressive Yeon Woo was and hated her for it. Then, they mimicked what she did and quickly said, "Jungkook, there's an empty spot next to me as well."

Jungkook stood by the door and did not walk any further. He turned and looked behind him.

Lisa walked in the next second.

The others were startled again. They didn't remember such a person from their class.

Lisa walked toward Nancy while holding Jungkook's hand. "We ran late. There was traffic on the way."

Nancy hrumphed and complained, "You didn't respond to my message. I thought you lied to me and wasn't going to show up."

"Don't worry. I always keep my words."

"This one is......" Yeon Woo looked at Lisa and Jungkook holding hands and asked, "You weren't from our class?"

"Anyone who isn't blind could tell that she isn't from our class," snapped Nancy again. "Lisa is Jungkook's wife. Nobody said one can't bring their spouse to this gathering."

"Right, right, right, spouses are welcomed. I would for sure want to bring my wife with, if I have one that is." The class lead chimed in to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Wow, Jungkook is already married?" Someone exclaimed.

They still remembered how Jungkook would not hang out or interact with anyone back in senior high school nor would he allow anyone to reach out to him. He always did everything alone.

They had always thought that with his personality and being autistic, he would be single for life.

Nobody had expected that he had gotten married before many of them! And, his wife was pretty.

Lisa had put a lot of effort into dolling up. She was, after all, Jungkook's wife and wanted to make him look good.

Lisa, holding onto Jungkook's hand, could feel his nervousness being around so many people. She purposefully stroked his palm with her fingertip to distract him.

Yeon Woo smiled and said, "Nancy, I remember that Jungkook was your favorite person back in senior high and you even brought him breakfast every morning."

Nancy stared at her angrily. Yeon Woo did that on purpose.

The others remembered that as well. Nancy had spent a lot of time chasing after Jungkook but Jungkook had never once responded back to her.

They all looked over at Lisa reflexively. She was, after all, Jungkook's wife. Nobody would like running into a competition, right?

Lisa curved her slips, smiled, and said, "You are wrong about that. Nancy started bringing breakfast for Jungkook since junior high." She had seen that with her own eyes during her last trip back.

Nancy felt a bit awkward and she stuttered, "He told you that too?"

Lisa smiled. There were no drama nor unpleasant exchanges that the others had expected. "We are very close. I know a lot about his grade school to junior high school life."

Nancy gave Lisa a stare. She knew for certain that Lisa was just gloating.


Translator's rambling:

* All good. It wouldn't have gotten you anywhere anyway.

* Again, wouldn't have made any difference.

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