39.She almost coughed out blood (2)

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She stopped teasing him and put her arms around his waist.

Through the thick layer of fabric, Lisa could feel the heat radiating from his body burning up her palms.

Jungkook snuggled up to her tightly, greedy for the coolness of her body.

She wasn't sure whether it was because he was feeling very comfortable but she saw that his indicator that had just been cleaned out started to produce little suns again.





As Lisa was hugging Jungkook, the little suns rushed toward Lisa as soon as they appeared.

The Lee Know couldn't help but popped its head out. His milky voice was so excited that it was shaky. [Host...... you are dirt rich now!]

He felt that he was so lucky to have a host that could become dirt rich at any moment. As opposed to his poor brother Riches, who had to beg his host to go and collect golden cotton candies every time.

Another little sun appeared above Jungkook's head and Lisa, too, felt that she was about to strike it rich.

Jungkook was no silly little thing; he was the God of Wealth! A sun mine!

Perhaps she should consider having Jungkook drinking a little more next time?

Someone knocked on the door suddenly.

Lisa had no choice but to let go of Jungkook.

She opened up the door and saw Mother Jung standing outside of her door.

"How's Second Young Master Jeon? Is he okay after having the alcohol?" Mother Jung came up and asked the first chance she got. She worried that the Lu family would be unhappy if anything was to happen to Jungkook.

"He is drunk."

"Drunk?" Mother Jung was surprised. "Didn't he just drink a few sips? I'll have the kitchen prepare some sobering soup and have someone bring it over in a little bit."

Lisa studied Mother Jeon carefully and it didn't look like she was faking it. "It's alright. I am sure he will feel better after a little bit of rest."

Looking at the little box that Mother Jung was carrying in her hand, she asked, "This is......"

"Inside is what your parents had left for you." Mother Jung handed her the little box. "You were still young back then so I had kept it for you. Nor do I wish to see you sad when you saw it."

Lisa took the little box from her.

She saw a picture when she opened it up. It was one of her with her parents when she was just a child. Under the picture there was a jade stamp. There was a small "Kim" carved on the little white jade stamp.

Mother Jung sighed and said, "Be sure to keep it somewhere safe."

She had always cared about her niece.

Lisa was a very pretty girl and she had always wanted her to marry into an influential family. It would not only help out the Jung family but Lisa would also live a comfortable life. There were some selfish intents in it but her care for Lisa was real.

Lisa did not have the status to marry into the Jeon family originally. That was Eunha's idea. Eunha had Lisa go visit her at the Jeon family and, lo and behold, Mother Jeon really had an eye for Lisa.

From Mother Jung's perspective, there are not influential family greater than the Jeon family. Eunha had already married into them. With the addition of Lisa, the two families would be tied together for good.

"Mom." Eunha showed up out of nowhere and, looking at the two standing by the door, asked with a smile, "What are you and Lali chatting about?"

Eunha saw Lisa holding a small jade jewelry when she looked over at Lisa.

"I am giving Lali what her parents had left for her." Mother Jung asked her, "How come you are coming up here? Don't you need to stay with Mingyu?"

Eunha said coquettishly, "Dad is dominating the conversation with him. I can't squeeze a word in between the two of them."

Mother Jung smiled. "Mingyu doesn't come very often. I am sure your father has a lot he wanted to talk to Mingyu about on the rare occasions that he is over." She turned to Lisa and said, "I am going to see check on the guests. If you have any problems over here, have a servant help you out."

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