35. A visit to the Jung's (3)

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"I heard that you have been developing a new project with Mr. Jeon overseas. How is it coming along?" asked Father Jung tentatively.

Mingyu's voice was full and his aura cold. He was imposing just sitting there. "Right. That is coming along well. The Jeon family has the technology, the talents, and the capital. Expanding into a new area is not much of an issue."

Father Jung nodded at that.

When he heard that the Jeon Enterprise was developing a new project, he was dying to be a part of it. His head, however, was still clear and he knew the difference between his own small company and that of the Jeon Corporation.

Next to them, Eunha wrapped her arm around Mingyu's and, with a shy look, said to her father, "Dad, it's now dinner time. It's not everyday that Mingyu has some downtime. You should stop talking about work with him."

Jung Dahai laughed heartily and said, "Alright, alright. I won't talk about it anymore."

The harmonious atmosphere among them made the other friends and families even more envious.

Noticing the envious looks from around her, Eunha's smile intensified. These used to only belong to Lisa had in her dreams.

And now, she was the one that everyone was envious of.

Suddenly, she heard a low cry from the guests nearby.

Looking over at the direction that everyone was looking at, Eunha saw Lisa walking inside holding Jungkook's hand in hers.

Jungkook had on a red suit. With a loud color like that, any man who was not as tall, skinny or handsome enough would appear to be ugly and crude.

Jungkook, however, was not only tall, but also have an extremely handsome face. The red suit only made him look like an elegant seductor that others were afraid to look at.

Lisa had on a black dress.

The black and red contrasted each other greatly.

Holding Jungkook's hand in hers, Lisa walked toward the main table under everyone's gaze.

Eunha's chest tightened a little. She seemed to have seen that Lisa in her dream who was above everyone else and was the always the object of envy once again.

She reflexively clenched her fists. The pain in her palm made her saw Lisa's look clearly. Unlike how it was in her dream, Lisa was very plain-looking right now.

"Lali, how come you are just now arriving?" Mother Jung had the servants brought out two more sets of utensils.

She looked at the man next to Lisa. Had he not had his head down and not making eye contact with anyone, she really couldn't tell that the Second Young Master was autistic.

"I'm sorry. There was some traffic on our way here." Lisa, holding Jungkook's hand in hers, sat down in the empty spots across from Eunha.

"I am glad you can make it. You haven't been back to visit for a while. I think about you every day. How are you doing at the Jeon's?" Mother Jung checked out Luo Zheng. Her own daughter had been getting prettier and prettier as each day passed but her niece looked less and less attractive.

Many peeked over after Mother Jung asked that question. They were stunned at how handsome the Second Young Master Jeon was, even more so than the First Young Master Jeon.

Didn't they say that the Second Young Master Jeon was a fool? He certainly didn't look like one right now.

Lisa's eyes curved as did her lips. "I am fine over the Jeon's. You don't need to worry about me, Aunty."

"How come you look like you have lost a lot of weight?"

Lisa smiled and said, "I have been on a diet lately."

Mother Jung glanced over Jungkook, who had kept to himself this entire time and not looking at anyone. Regardless of how outstanding his appearance was, anyone who paid him some attention could tell that he was different.

The others noticed too and started gossiping about him softly.

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