76.Shocked, Lisa reflexively pushed Jungkook out of its way. (1)

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Everybody was stunned.

"Oh darn. What just happened? The beautify feature was turned off?"

"With the beautify feature turned off, Eunha's face shape had changed. What happened to her tapered face?"

"Wow...... that was some filter. Whatever happened to the beauty who didn't need any makeup?"

"The beautify feature was turned off abruptly? That was surprising. Eunha's real person looked somewhat different than she did with the beautify feature. "

"Here I thought Eunha was a true beauty. I am somewhat disappointed after the filter was turned off."

"Tiantian looks pretty whichever way. I like that she isn't a generic face that one will see on the internet. She's pretty even without the beautify feature. We will all be happy if we can look like her."

"I saw that she has pimples. I thought articles online said that her skin was like a peeled-egg."

"Well, how should I say it? She's still pretty without the filter but not as stunning as she was said to be."

"How come her nose is so flat?"


Reading what the fans were saying, the male host quickly looked for a worker and asked them what had happened.

Eunha was stunned.

She looked at herself on the screen in disbelief.

Even with the filter off, her skin was still fair and her cheekbones were hidden by her hair and were not obvious.

But now, her skin color had become even darker and her normally smooth face was covered in pimples. Most importantly, her cheekbones had become even more prominent and started resembling how she used to look.

What happened?

How did she become uglier all of a sudden?

Eunha was frantic. She had just become uglier in front of millions of fans.

When the beautify feature was turned on again, the male host quickly tried to manage the situation. "Oops, we had run into some minor hiccups. Let's do some drawings right now......"

Eunha, reading all the comments in front of so many fans, she couldn't sit still nor could she just take off.

Thinking that a crack might have appeared on her jade again, she could barely maintain her smile.

After the live stream was over, the beautify feature being turned off abruptly during Eunha's show went up on the most trending list.

Eunha's agent handed their phone over to her. "I had someone taking care of that already. We'll lower its popularity."

Flipping through the articles on the most trending list, Eunha looked more and more disturbed.

"Eunha losing her looks that was once the best in the entertainment circle?"

"Boy, Eunha looked frantic when the filter was turned off suddenly."

"All her fans ever talked about everyday was how pretty she was. They referred to her as little sweet heart snow white. With the filter off, her skin tone was more or less the same as any other girls."

"You called that losing her looks? Why don't you post your own picture online so we can if you are prettier than Eunha."

"Poor Eunha, being criticized even with her looks. Is that really necessary?"

"I'm purely a bystander. Eunha's true look really isn't as pretty as she was in her pictures. And her skin was not as flawless as advertised. Her face was square and her nose not delicate and perky. Was it a flopped plastic surgery or that all of her past photos were edited?"

"I'm so speechless. How could you say that she's not pretty? Can you even back your own words?"

"Hahaha, to think that all of her fans had been saying how she was the prettiest woman in the entertainment circle."


Eunha asked her agent. "The water armies are at work already?"

"Yeah." The agent studied Eunha. "How come I feel that you looked different after the live stream? And what's with all the pimples?"

Eunha looked away, not being able to look her agent in their eyes. "I didn't sleep well lately."

She was in a bad mood right now. Awful, in fact. She suddenly realized that each time she became uglier, Lisa would become prettier.

It wasn't until the evening when Lisa saw the most trending list.

She knew that Eunha's look would change when she took back 10% of her halo. She just didn't know that Eunha was on a live stream at the time. Her looks changed in front of so many fans and, worse of all, the beautify feature was turned off inadvertently.

How exciting was that?

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