37.Someone gave Jungkook wine (2)

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Lisa put some food into his bowl but he didn't seem to like them much and ate very little of them.

Jungkook was a very picky eater.

At the Jeon's, he had specific chefs that cooked for him. If he didn't like the dishes, he would rather eat plain rice and still not touch any of the other dishes.

Lisa ate a few bites symbolically and, as the banquet was boring and meaningless, was about to take off with Jungkook.

Mother Jung noticed Lisa's impatience and said to her, "Lali, don't take off just yet after dinner. I have something here for you?"

"What is it?" asked Lisa.

"Something left to you by your parents. I had been keeping them for you but, now that you are married, it is time to return them to you," said Mother Jung to her.

Item left to her by her parents?

Lisa had no choice but to acknowledge her.

Jungkook, in his red pJeons his look, was very eye catching. The guests would look over at this Second Young Master Jeon from time to time.

He just sat there quietly and nobody could read him.

Lisa leaned into his ear and said to him, "Jungkook, I need to make a trip to the bathroom. You sit here and wait for me. It won't be long. Okay?"

Jungkook blinked and looked at her blankly. Finally, he forced a grunt out from his throat, "Mmm."

Lisa noticed that someone was in the first-floor bathroom so she headed up to the one on the second floor.

When she returned to her spot after a long while, she noticed that Jungkook had been drinking and the glass was almost empty.

Lisa snatched the glass from him and asked coldly, "Who gave him wine?"

Eunha said from across from her, "He just picked it up and started drinking. We didn't even notice it."

She put on a troubled look, "You know that he's autistic, it wasn't like we could stop him even if we noticed. He doesn't listen to anyone."

"Aiya, I just stepped away to have the servant bring more food. Why is the Second Young Master drinking?" Mother Jung walked over and said, "Is he going to be alright? Can he drink?"

Lisa held his head with both of her hands and he just looked at her blanked. She could tell anything.

"Maybe you can take him upstairs first and rest up in the bedroom. The servants had been cleaning your room daily and it's very clean," said Mother Jung. "I will bring the item to you after the guests are gone."

Lisa nodded and walked upstairs while holding Jungkook's hand, her face cold.

She found the room from her memory.

The room was not very big and the décor very girlish.

Lisa brought Jungkook over to the bed. Compared to the bed in Jungkook's room, this one was quite small. It looked even smaller when the tall Jungkook with long legs sat down on it.

"How much have you drunk? Do you feel dizzy?" asked Lisa, worried.

There were wine on Jungkook's lips and they had a nice glow to them. His cold and alabaster face had a hint of redness.

He started unbuttoning his jacket with his slender fingers.

"Do you want to sleep?" asked Lisa.

Jungkook removed his red suit jack and started unbuttoning his black shirt.

"You don't need to take this one off to sleep," said Lisa as she placed her hand over his.

"Hot." Jungkook's voice was low and his lips pinched together slightly. "Hot, me."

Lisa was a little surprised. "You are hot?"

Jungkook moved to remove his red suit pants.

Lisa, catching a glimpse of the floral rim, quickly put on hands over his again. "You can't remove this."

Jungkook's lips were pinched shut and a black cloud appeared over his head.

Lisa gasped. "Never mind. Take your shirt off but you must keep your pants on."

Jungkook pointed at his own face, "Hot."

Lisa reached out to touch his face. It felt good under her hand. It was almost as good as little Jungkook's baby fat. His cheeks were a little hot. Was it from the alcohol?

Jungkook placed his cheeks comfortably on Lisa's hand, enjoying the coolness.

Perhaps that wasn't quite enough. Jungkook moved to hug Lisa. He rested his head where her shoulder was. Like a pitiful little thing, he repeatedly tried to push his cheeks onto the skin of her exposed neck.

Lisa could hear his deep voice next to her ear, "Touch, me."

Lisa, taken aback a little at first, chuckled. "Mmhmm. Go ahead."

What she didn't see was that the little black clouds over Jungkook's head disappeared and one after another sparkling little sun popped out.

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