63.Jungkook, I've found you. (4)

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Lisa didn't see anything she liked particular during the auction. Mother Jeon bought a necklace and gave it to Lisa.

Per Mother Jeon, these pretty little things complemented Lisa very well.

Many saw the way that Mother Jeon treated Lisa and re-evaluated Lisa's standing in their minds.

It was already dark when the auction was over and it was after 9 o'clock by the time they got home.

Lisa chatted with Mother Jeon some more before she returned to her room.

Opening up the room door, Lisa, for the first time ever, saw that Jungkook was leaning up against the headboard in his floral pajama sitting there quietly.

Jungkook had a set schedule and he should be asleep by this hour.

"You are still up?" Lisa was surprised.

Jungkook's lips were pinched shut. He looked up at her, said nothing, before he laid down and closed his eyes to go to bed.

Was he waiting for her to come her? That thought suddenly occurred to Lisa.

She knew how stubborn and fixated Jungkook's behaviors were.

He would always return the glass back to where it was after he was done drinking out of it. Even the clothes in his closet would be folded up neatly and placed back in the same order as defined by him.

Autistic people will get upset when their routines are messed with.

That thought made Lisa second guessed herself.

Removing her high heels, Lisa walked over to the bed. Jungkook's eyelids trembled slightly under the light, apparently he was still awake.

Lisa said tenderly, "Thank you for waiting up for me, Jungkook."

Under the light, Jungkook's stifled and long lashes fluttered.

The night was getting later and it was very quiet inside the room.

Lisa washed her feet and did not change into her pajamas. Instead, she put on a pretty dress and pair of white shoes.

The Lee Know had told her that she could spend little suns to appear and touch solid objects. As such, she could no longer travel back in her bare feet or in her pajamas.

She summoned the Lee Know, "So 10 little suns this time?"

The Lee Know's milky voice was filled with excitement: [That's right, Host.]

Lisa gave the Lee Know 10 little suns and, all of a sudden, she only had 15 of them remaining. If she was to spend all 15 of them, she could have 15-minute time to show up or touch the objects around her.

When she opened up her eyes again, Lisa found herself standing in the middle of the street and cars were going right through her.

She couldn't feel any of it but just watching the cars going through her one after another was still quite a visual stimulus.

Lisa quickly walked over to the side of the road.

Was Jungkook somewhere around?

Lisa had already noticed that she would always appear somewhere close to where Jungkook was when she travelled back.

But the area around her was so big that she had no idea where to go to look for Jungkook.

The sun was strong today and many pedestrians had umbrellas with them. Lisa walked around freely and wasn't worry about the sun at all.

Her skin seemed even lighter and more refine under the sun. She could only have her beauty restored when she travelled back in time. She seemed to have underestimated her original form.

The dress that she had on was purchased with her current size. Now that her body had changed, her chest area was uncomfortably tight.

Lisa was both happy and upset at the same time. She suddenly came to the realization that being big-chested could be a form of burden.

She looked around for Jungkook but also, at the same time, wondered why Jungkook would be in this area.

"Don't you know to watch out for cars when you walk? You are going to get killed!"

She heard a man yelling from behind her. "Hey, I said to get out of my way. Are you deaf? Can you not hear what I am saying to you?"

Lisa turned and saw a tall and skinny person in red exercise outfit standing in front of a car.


Delighted, Lisa ran over quickly.

When she had gotten closer, she could tell that the tall and skinny boy in red was, indeed, Jungkook.

She quickly ran up, grabbed Jungkook by his hand and pulled him away from the car as the driver continued to shout at him.

Lisa took Jungkook under the shade of a tree by the side of the road. Her eyes curved from her smile. "I've found you, Jungkook."

Compared to the last time she saw little Jungkook, he had grown a lot. She was taller than her now. She put him at around 1.79 meter.

With his baby fat gone, Jungkook's feature became more 3-dimensional but, because of his young age, his eyes and brows still look like those belonging to a boy.

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