198.I am Angel Big Sister, I can make any of your wish comes true. (1)

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"Did you want to stay in the rain?"

Jungkook didn't say anything.

Lisa walked over to him and squatted down next to him. "Okay, I will stay and keep you company."

The rain went through Lisa's body and landed on Jungkook. Lisa spent 5 little suns for 5 minutes time of materializing.

Rain size of peas fell onto Lisa. She had on a white short-sleeve shirt and long pants and they were soaked in less than a minute.

The rain was particularly cold at night and Lisa shivered. She huddled with Jungkook. "I will stay with you for as long as you want to stay out here. We will go inside when you feel better."

Jungkook kept his head lowered. He was quiet and he just let the rain beat down on him, unbothered by it.

Inside the pitch-black corner, there were only the sound of rain. It was icy and cold.

This was the first time Lisa was beaten down by the rain like this and it was not a comfortable feeling. Her face was pale from being so cold and, as though she couldn't stand it anymore, she leaned into Jungkook's ear and said, "Kookie, are you cold? I'm soooo cold."

Jungkook's lips were pinched shut.

Lisa could barely open her eyes from the rain and her voice sounded like moisture, "I wonder if I will get sick like this."

Jungkook lifted his head. His lips moved and he reached his hand out to push Lisa. "Go back you. Go back you."

Lisa was already cold and feeling weak. She was not squatting steadily. When Jungkook pushed her, she tilted side way and ended up sitting on the ground.

Lisa, "......"

Startled, Jungkook quickly stood up and looked at her nervously. He wanted to reach out and help her up.

Lisa held his hand and got up from the ground. "You hurt me."

Jungkook lowered his eyes. His lips moved and he forced voices out of his throat, "I'm sorry."

"I'm so cold. Go inside the house with me." Huddling with him, Lisa purposefully shuddered her body to make a point of how cold she was.

Jungkook's pitch-black eyes looked worried. "Go back you."

Lisa held his hand. "Come back with me."

After a long while, Jungkook finally lowered his eyes and said softly, "Mmm."

Lisa looked happy. She held Jungkook's hand as she walked out from behind the fake boulder.

The rain could make one's face hurt when hit by it. IN the pitch-black rainy night, Lisa held Jungkook's hand tightly.

Her five minutes was up right before they walked inside the house. All of the rain on Lisa disappeared and her body that was shivering from the chill warmed up.

Lisa's body returned to its normal state and she was dry without a drop of water.

It was exactly as Lee Know had said, even if she was to get hurt, as long as she didn't die, she could recover.

Inside the house.

The servant walked upstairs with the reheated food. She knocked on the door and walked inside.

The servant noticed that Jungkook wasn't inside the room. She looked around and did not find him.

"Young Master?"

"Young Master?"

Not being able to locate Jungkook, the servant ran downstairs anxiously, her voice cracking. "This... this is bad. Young Master is gone!"

The other servant said dubiously, "Isn't his inside his room?"

The second Young Master never left his room without a reason normally. Or he'd stay inside the study. "Have you checked the study?"

"I've looked all over. I don't know where he is."

"What about the closet."

"Oh, I didn't think about that." The servant ran back upstairs to check the closet, but Jungkook wasn't inside.

"When did the Young Master run out? What should we do? Let's call the Madam right away."

The servant was frantic. She quickly called the Madam only to find out that she wasn't answering her phone.

"Call the butler," said the other servant anxiously.

If they truly lose the Young Master, that was not a consequence that they could bear.

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