25.The tender gust of wind landed gently on little Jungkook's forehead. (3)

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Lisa walked inside the house.

Then, a little boy walked down from upstairs. He was much taller than when she saw him the time before.

Mingyu was fair and delicate when he was a child. He had on a clean, white shirt but Lisa really couldn't be fond of him.

Mingyu said politely, "Aunty Feng, my mother had to head out today. Thank you for taking care of Kook."

As though something had occurred to him, he went on to say, "I am going to meet up with my classmates at the library so I won't be doing on my homework assignments with Kook. Please pass the message onto Kook, Aunty Feng, and keep an eye out on him when he work on his homework assignments."

Aunty Feng sounded very affectionate, "You be safe, Young Sir. I will let Second Young Sir know. Don't worry."

Mingyu left happily.

Lisa had never met this Aunty Feng at the Jeon's residence so she figured that she had already retired.

She walked behind Aunty Feng upstairs to look for little Jungkook.

The middle-aged maid pushed open the door to Jungkook's room and Lisa was the first to walk inside.

She saw that little Jungkook was still in his red clothes and was sitting docilely next to the desk.

He had grown a lot since kindergarten and was now a 7 ~ 8-year-old boy.

The features on him spread apart some more and he had lost some of his baby fat but his cheeks were still puffy. His eyes were black and bright and his red clothes made him look fair and soft, like a white bun.

"Kookie." Lisa walked over and greeted him happily.

"Little Young Sir, it's time to do your homework." The maid also walked over as well.

Little Jungkook was very focused on his jigsaw puzzle and did not react at all.

The maid sounded somewhat annoyed. "Little Young Sir."

Little Jungkook continued to ignore her.

The maid shoved the puzzles on the table to one said and poked forcefully at little Jungkook's temple. "Are you deaf? Can't you hear that I am talking to you."

"Stop it!"

Lisa was stunned by the maid's action and, immediately after that, she rushed up and wanted to smack the woman's hand away.

The very next second, her hand went through the maid and she wasn't able to come into contact with her at all.

"I said answer me. Can't you hear?" The maid tucked at little Jungkook's ear and twisted it forcefully.

When Lisa saw that little Jungkook's little ear turned red instantly, she was about to explode. This dang witch!

A child's ear is very fragile. It is very easy to tear when twisted like that.

Lisa wanted to pick up the book next to her to throw at the witch but she couldn't touch anything at al.

"Let go of him! Let go of him!" Lisa's heart was bleeding.

Little Jungkook's ear was completely red from the twist but he didn't seem to have felt a thing. His long and curly eyelashes shuddered a little.

The maid had learned long ago that no matter how she shouted at him or what she did to him, he would not talk or cry out, nor would he bawl. That was the reason she was so blatant in what she was doing.

The maid let go of his ear and little Jungkook's ear was so red that it looked like it could bleed.

Lisa quickly went over to little Jungkook and squatted down next to him. "Kookie, you need to shout out. You can't just let her treat you that way."

She reached out and touched the tip of his ear lightly. His little ear was still red from the twist and was hot to the touch.

Lisa felt her heart ached and bloated. It was an awful feeling.

She blew at his ear gently. "Does it hurt? Big sister will hu-hu you, okay? Hu-hu will take the pain away, alright?"*

How could it not hurt when it was twisted like that? He just couldn't feel pain very well.

The maid smacked little Jungkook on his head and shouted at him. "You won't even make a noise when you are struck. Surely you are a fool. What had I done in my past life that I have to take care of a fool like you in this life?"

Lisa tried to block in front of little Jungkook's body but the maid's hand just went right through her and hit Jungkook on his head again.

Someone knocked on the door at this moment in time.

The maid stopped what she was doing quickly and went to open up the door. A young maid stood outside of the door.

"Sister Fang, Madam said to bring the dessert over for Little Young Sir when it is ready."

The middle-aged maid took the tray over quickly and said to her, "Just give it to me. Little Young Sir is doing his homework. I'll have him drink it in a little while."

"Thanks, Sister Fang. Thanks for your help."

After the door was closed, the maid glanced over at little Jungkook who was sitting there quietly. She walked over to the other side with the dessert and started drinking it herself.

Lisa was so angry that her teeth were grinding.

She gently rubbed little Jungkook where he was hit. "Big sister will continue to hu-hu you."

The tender gust of wind landed softly on little Jungkook's red forehead. It tickled.

Jungkook looked up and at Lisa with his big blank eyes. His voice milky, "Hu-hu me."

"Mmhmm. Big sister will hu-hu Kook."

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