29.Aunty Feng got what she deserved. (1)

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Opening her eyes, Lisa recollected herself slowly. She was back.

She looked over at Jungkook sleeping next to her. He slept very properly, lying down flat on his back. Unless her, she liked to hug the blanket when she slept and she also enjoyed rolling around.

Lisa looked at the time. She had spent days over there this time but only 10 minutes had passed. She did the math and figured that each day that she spent over there was equivalent to 5 minutes.

If she was to spend a month there, it would be 150 minutes in present time.

Lisa felt that as she had no idea how much time she would need each time to save little Jungkook, going at night was her best option.

Lisa woke up the next day when the sky was just brightening up.

Jungkook, too, wake up on time next to her. He looked dazed and his cherry-blossom eyes were filled with grogginess and moisture. Along with his impeccable good look, he was delectably good looking.

Lisa looked downward and saw his red and bJeone floral-patterned pajama. She had to look away.

It was too painful to look at.

Jungkook was oblivious to that. Pulling over the blanket, perhaps noticing that his pajama was a bit wrinkly, he straightened it out in a cherished way before he got out of bed to go wash up.

Lisa found that comical.

The adult Jungkook was still very cute.


Lisa looked for the butler and asked him about Aunty Feng.

The butler, too, was very surprised that Lisa would bring that up out of the blue. "Second Young Madam, Aunty Feng was fired over 10 years ago."

Lisa, "Why was she fired?"

"She stole one of Madam's bracelet and Madam fired her."

The butler remembered clearly. He was very surprised at the time. Every one who came working at the Jeon family would have to go through a training period ahead of time and Aunty Feng was hired after first young master had joined the Jeon family. She main job was to take care of the first young master and, occasionally, the second young master.

Aunty Feng hadn't been with the Jeon family for a long time. Nobody expected that to happen.

Lisa narrowed her eyes. Yup, nobody knew that she had abused Jungkook in the past.

"Do you have the address of this Aunty Feng, Butler?"

"The Jeon family would take detail information on each employee of theirs and I have the records with me. But we are talking about over 10 years ago." The butler paused a little. "If Second Young Madam wishes to find Aunty Feng's address, I can have someone look into that as soon as possible."

Lisa smiled. No wonder this Uncle Li could hold the job as the butler of the Jeon family. "Thank you, Uncle Li."

The butler was very efficient and Lisa got her hands on Aunty Feng's address before noon.

When Lisa brought Jungkook out of the house, he reluctantly changed out of his floral shirt and put on a red sweater.

Looking at the black cloud in the indicator above his head, Lisa smiled and told him. "I'll take you to buy underwear later. The kind with floral prints."

Apparently, Jungkook still remembered that. His long and straight eyelashes quivered a little and the black cloud above him disappeared.

The car drove inside of an alley.

There were a lot of puddles on the ground and the walls were aged and mottled. There were also a lot of haphazardly laid wires above the alley. The environment was chaotic and the arrival of the luxurious black seemed very out of place.

The chauffeur informed Lisa, "Second Young Madam, the red door in front of us is Feng Fang's address."

"Okay." Lisa turned her head and looked at Jungkook sitting next to her. He had been sitting there properly and quietly with his eyes lowered since they had gotten into the car.

Leaning into his ear, she said to him, "Do you still remember the old witch? We are here to teach her a lesson."

She wasn't able to do anything before and was only able to pull a little stunt to keep her away from little Jungkook. Being fired alone wasn't enough to justify her crime.

Jungkook's eyes moved a little.

Lisa smiled and said, "It's fine if you don't remember. I do."

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