142.It'd seem that Eunha's intelligence disappeared along with the halo. (1)

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Lisa stood up quickly and walked over to the coffee table. She pulled out a bottle of water, twisted open the cap, and quickly took a few sips out of it before she finally cooled down some.

For the sake of distracting herself, Lisa started counting her little suns.

Her little treasure chest glows with a golden color – what an attractive color!

Lisa was ecstatic. She counted them. What she had gained today along with what she had before that added up to 120 little suns!

She summoned the Lee Know quickly and asked, "How many little suns would I need to transmigrate next time?"

She had to consume 50 little suns for her last trip. She could afford it even if the number doubled for the next time.

The Lee Know's milky voice trembled from excitement. It told her: [Host, we will need 100 little suns.] Lisa was mentally prepared, so she found that acceptable when she heard it. "Okay, I get it."

Subtracting the 100 little suns that she would need to travel back, she still had 20 remaining to convert to her halo.

Lisa, "I want to exchange for 20% of my halo."

She had already gotten 60% of her halo back and, with this additional 20%, that meant she had already gotten 80% of her halo back.

With Eunha at the banquet, Lisa was curious what kind of changes would happen to her when another 20% of her halo was taken back.

"Let's do it."

The Lee Know responded to her quickly: [Okay, Host.]

Lisa could feel the change on herself. Her skin had become shinier and more refined and was smoother and more tender to touch.

The most apparent changes were on her body. She knew full well how curvy her body was when she was at 100%, especially her top. She was very happy with what she was seeing right now.

Over on the bed side, Jungkook was like squirming like a silkworm under the blanket. His thin eyelids were red, as were his face and neck.

He muttered softly. "Lili, Lili......"

Lisa's ears were tingling all over again.

Please stop. You are killing me.

At the banquet, Eunha held onto her dress that was about to fall down as she frantically ran off on her high heels. Embarrassed and trying to avoid the guests, she dashed toward the rest area.

Once she was there and had the door closed behind her, she almost collapsed powerlessly.

"Ms. Jung?"

The makeup artist and her assistant had been there the entire time, waiting to reapply makeup for Mother Lu on demand. They were shocked when they saw Eunha dashing in the way that she did.

Placing her hand over her chest, Eunha did not look well. "Get me the spare gown."

"Okay, please wait." The makeup artist quickly went to get a silver gown and handed it over to Eunha. "Ms. Jung, do try it on and see how it fits."

Eunha looked gloomy. In the past and when her skin color was fair, she could do with any color gowns. Now that she had returned to her old skin tone, it was no longer a translucent white.

Silver was bad for darker colored skin and not suitable for her. "Get me something of a different color."

The makeup artist brought over a red one. "How about this one, Ms. Jung?"

Eunha looked at the low cut and her face dropped again. "Something else."

The makeup artist brought over a black one. "Ms. Jung, this is the last one."

Eunha looked at the style. It was another strapless one. She thought about it some, gritted her teeth, and said, "Bring the silver one back over."

The top part was too wide for her. It was fine in the past but not so much anymore.

Eunha could die from anger.

She started wondering if her jade pendant hated her. Every time she lost part of her halo, she was embarrassed in front of others.

Meanwhile, the door to the rest area opened up and Mingyu walked in briskly.

"What happened?" Mingyu had on a black suit today. He had always been a handsome one and, with his cool temperament, he brought stars to the eyes of the makeup artist and her assistant.

"I saw you running off from the banquet hall. What is it? Are you not feeling well?" He hurried after her when he saw her running off in a rush.

Eunha turned pale. How was she going to explain to him how her body shape had changed?

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