132.Mom's not feeling well. Hurry up and go check on her. (1)

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"It is our mother-in-law's birthday in a couple of days, and we will hold a big banquet at a hotel. There will be a lot of guests. My skin hasn't been the best lately, so I plan to head to the spa for some treatment in a little bit," said Eunha with a smile. "Would you like to come with?"

The relationship between she and Lisa had been getting worse. If it was before and she already had all of Lisa's halo, naturally she could care less about being friendly with Lisa.

But now, for reasons she had yet to figure out, the crack on her jade pendant was growing bigger and bigger and the halo had been returning to Lisa. She needed to improve her relationship with Lisa and find out the reason behind it.

Lisa had no idea what kind of evil plans Eunha had in mind, but she wasn't going to let Eunha have her ways.

Lisa kept poking where it hurt most and said, "Your skin quality had been quite poor lately and your eyes look like those of a dead fish. And your nose. Did you get a shot or something? It seemed to be getting bigger and bigger."

Eunha's face changed colors abruptly.

Lisa went on to say, "Oh, and your cheek bones on both side, this is the first time I've noticed them being so angulated."

Eunha almost crushed her teeth. "Are you doing this on purpose?"

"Doing what on purpose?" Lisa looked dubious. "Perhaps I am being too blunt, but I only like to speak the truth."

Eunha could barely maintain her look. Pinching her lips shut, she tried to keep her angry in check. "Looks are only temporary. Who knew if things will change tomorrow?"

She turned and walked away angrily after she had said that.

Lisa found her comment comical. Change tomorrow? Did Eunha really think that everybody's face could change instantly like hers did?"

Lisa went inside the bedroom and put the roses in a vase properly and went over to Jungkook's study.

He had taken the flower down from his ear and, looking at the red flowers, his dark black eyes were somewhat bright.

Jungkook opened the drawer and pulled out a thick notebook with a red cover. He flipped open to a certain page and in between the pages was a dried rose.

He put the flower in his hand in there as well before he careful hide the notebook away.

Eunha had never won against Lisa. In fact, she was so angry that she could puke blood.

When she saw Lisa trotted in front of her with that fair and pretty face of hers, Eunha only wished she could rip the halo back form Lisa instantly.

Her face was still long when she arrived at the spa and the workers welcomed her affectionately.

"Miss Jung, what kind of services would you desire today?"

"My face. And my body too." Ever since she had lost most of the halo, her original fair and translucent skin that was an envy of others had turned more of a yellow tone.

Mother Jeon's birthday was in a few days, and Father Jeon, who doted on his wife, would for sure throw a big party. And she, as the older of the two daughters-in-law, would for sure receive a lot of attention.

"Surely, Miss Jung, please follow me." The worker showed Eunha inside.

Meanwhile, a woman in beautician uniform walked past her pushing a cart with her. Eunha was distracted and gave her a few extra looks.

Once they had arrived at the water-treatment room, Eunha asked the worker about the woman that she had walked past earlier.

The worker replied politely. "She is a new beautician that we have hired. I can have her come and assist you if you like."

Eunha's eyes flickered a little. "Mmm, I'll have her today."

Eunha changed into the bathrobe and laid, face down, on the massaging bed and the beautician from earlier came inside with the cart.

"Hi, Miss Jung, I am the beautician who will be helping you today. My name is Park Lily."

"You are new here?" Eunha looked up and down this Lily coldly. Just one look and she could tell that this woman somewhat resembled Lisa.

As much as she wasn't wilJungg to admit to it, Eunha still knew that this woman was, at most, a crude version of Lisa.

Her skin wasn't as fair as Lisa; her features not delicate enough; even her eyes were not as lively as Lisa's.

"Miss Jung, do you have any other questions for me?"

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