116.Lisa turned and saw the healthy Sehun walking toward her. (3)

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"I'm not okay with that." Lisa noticed that someone was hitting on Jungkook when she returned with the food. And it was Yeon Woo, the girl who had a conflict with Nancy in the bathroom earlier in the day.

Lisa did not like Yeon Woo at all.

From the way that she talked, acted, or revealing other's sore spots, all of them made Lisa dislike her.

"I am a classmate of Jungkook's from high school and I want to chat with him. Jungkook didn't object to me sitting here." Yeon Woo looked over at Lisa.

Lisa looked fair, young, and petite. She was obviously the kind of simple, sweet girl who had never entered into the society. People like her are gullible.

"That doesn't matter. I object to it." Lisa didn't like the way that Yeon Woo looked at Jungkook. Her intention was obvious.

She had already introduced herself as Jungkook's wife in the afternoon and Yeon Woo heard that as well. So what was her intention showing such great interest in a married man?

Yeon Woo smiled and stroked her hair. "Jungkook, aren't you the one who make the calls at home?"

Yeon Woo knew that faces are very important to men, especially outside of their houses. Their faces are more important than anything else and, for sure, he would brag about his status at home.

Even being autistic, Jungkook was still a man and all men like faces.

Lisa found that oddly amusing. Is Yeon Woo instigating between Jungkook and herself? Where exactly did her confidence come from?

Sitting down next to Jungkook, Lisa leaned into him and asked, "I mind that someone is here interrupting our dinner together. What about you?"

Jungkook looked up at Lisa and said, "Too mind I."

If Lili mind, then I do too.

"Did you hear that, Miss Yeon? You are interrupting our dinner." Lisa was blunt. She was no saint and saw no reason to be nice to someone who was after Jungkook.

Yeon Woo had thought that Lisa looked like a small and pretty flower from a green house with a soft personality. She hadn't expected Lisa to be a forceful, thorny flower instead.

She took a deep breath and stood up with her purse in her hand.

"Hang on." Lisa stopped her. Lisa gave Yeon Woo a warning with her lips curved. "If you are still going to be an idiot and drool over Jungkook and do something stupid, I promised that you will cry from regret."

She could tell right away that Yeon Woo was an ambitious one. Unfortunately, she did not apply herself properly.

Yeon Woo felt a shiver down her spine from Lisa's look.

She suddenly realized that Lisa wasn't a rich, brainless girl like Nancy.

She left with a horrible look.

Lisa hrumphed. Leaning toward Jungkook, she couldn't help but reached out and pinched him on his cheek. "I just realize that your face attracts a lot of flies."

Jungkook blinked blankly. He repeated what he had said earlier slowly, "I'll listen to Lili."

Lisa pause a little and the displeasure in her chest dissipated instantly. Smiling, she said, "Okay. Keep that in mind. You said you will always listen to me."

"I will remember." With his lips shut, Jungkook's had a serious look on his expressionless face.

Lisa went for a stroll with Jungkook after dinner.

The resort was next to the mountains and it was a bit chilly at night. The night breeze blew past Lisa's hair.

Walking under the moon in a slightly chilly night holding Jungkook's hand, Lisa felt a sense of serenity. She suddenly noticed that Jungkook made a very good companion.

He would stay next to her quietly but he would always be there when she turned her head.

That night, after Lisa had showered, she put on a pretty dress and laid down in bed. Jungkook, lying next to her, was already asleep.

She summoned Lee Know.

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