117.Oh, so you are keeping secrets from me now? (1)

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"50 little suns this time?"

If Lee Know had a physical body, he would be smacking his lips and drooling right about now. [Yes, Host.] Lisa looked at her little safe once again. All of those golden shiny little suns. They were not even warm from her heat yet. She gave 50 of them to Lee Know very begrudgingly.

Over half of her little suns in her little safe were gone. She only had 40 left.

Lisa's heart ached.

They were easy to come by.

She had to bully Jungkook in exchange for them.

When she opened up her eyes again, Lisa noticed that she was standing inside a senior high school and all the students around her had big, thick coats on.

Lisa looked down at her thin, nude color sleeveless dress. She seemed to not have dressed appropriately.

She was pleased that she asked about which class Jungkook's was in and the classroom's whereabout during the gathering. The information will come in handy now.

She looked forward to seeing Jungkook in senior high school. He must have grown taller compared to when he was in junior high school.

Lisa found Jungkook's classroom with east this time, but she didn't see Jungkook in class.

He wasn't here?

Lisa was just about to look around when she turned and saw the healthy Nancy walked down the hallway with his two long and slender legs.

Compared to the Sehun in the wheelchair, the current one was less mature-looking but more of a sunny young man.

He was tall and, in his senior high school uniformed, attracted a lot of attention as he walked down the hallway.

Sehun walked past Lisa and, standing outside of the classroom, said, "Can you please get Oh Nancy for me?"

The girl whom he stopped stopped breathing for a moment and her face turned beet red all of a sudden. "She's not here right now. We have PE next and I think she went early to the swimming pool."

The girl dared not look at Sehun directly. He was too handsome. "I'll let Nancy knew that you came looking for her."

"Okay. Thank you."

Sehun had a gentle smile on his decorous face. The girl became shier. "You... you are welcome, senior."

Hearing their conversation, Lisa figured that Jungkook would also be at the swimming pool, so she turned and headed that way.

When Lisa arrived at the indoor swimming pool, she could see students in their swim suits and swim trunks. There was heating indoor so, even though it was winter, it was still very warm inside.

As two classes were having the class together, there were a lot of people there.

Lisa had thought that it might be difficult to locate Jungkook among so many people but, as he was the only one with floral prints swim trunk among all the other boys with black swim trunks, she was able to spot Jungkook right away.

Welp, that was easy.

Lisa cut through the crowd and walked toward the lanky outline.

"Jungkook." Lisa patted him on his shoulder from behind.

Last time she saw him, he was still a junior in junior high school and that was over 6 months ago. Jungkook had grown much taller and was now close to 1.8 meters.

Jungkook didn't respond but just looked at her in a daze.

Lisa was just about to walk in front of him when someone else beat her to it.

It was Nancy from senior high school days.

She had on a white swimsuit and her hair tied up into a pony tail high on her head. She was young and lively. Smiling at Jungkook, she said to him, "It's my birthday tomorrow and I planned to invite our classmates to celebrate. Would you like to join us?"

Jungkook kept his head lowered and ignored her.

Nancy was already used to him being silent. "I am going to assume that you are coming if you don't say anything."

She then carried on to say, "You always watched us swim during swim class. Why don't I teach you this time?"

She figured that if she was to teach Jungkook how to swim, there would be a lot of physical contacts between the two of them. The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea. "C'mon, Jungkook. I'll teach you."

Jungkook continued to ignore her.

Another girl walked over to them at this point in time. Lisa felt that she looked very familiar.

The next second, Lisa heard Nancy called the girl by her name, Yeon Woo. Lisa looked at that girl again and, slowly, the features of the girl matched that behind the heavy makeup the other day.

It was, indeed, Yeon Woo.

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