34.A visit to the Jung's (2)

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Lisa couldn't look away from him.

Board shoulder, narrow waist, and long legs.

And that perfect face. Tsk, everything about this little silly boy was exactly her preference.

Had the man in front of her not be autistic, he would charm many with his look and his family background.

"Let's go." Lisa held his hand voluntarily, her fingers interlacing with his.

She even purposefully rubbed his fingers with her soft part of her finger. "There will be a lot of others during dinner. But you don't need to be afraid. I will be next to you the entire time. If you are unhappy, you just let me know and we will take off, okay?"

Jungkook felt his fingers tickled by something soft. He gave Lisa a quick look and did not object to her holding his hand.

Above his head, the little black cloud disappeared.

The Jung family had purchased a small mansion next to the rich people district a while ago.

For Mother Jung's birthday, she had it decorated particularly. Every décor was delicate and luxurious. She invited many friends and families to attend the banquet.

Eunha had returned home a long time ago.

She dolled herself up purposefully today and had on a white, exquisite, and fancy dress. With her alabaster skin, she looked like she was glowing.

Mother Jung was in a good mood today and she looked her daughter up and down the whole time.

She noticed her daughter looked prettier each time she returned. She was elegant and classy. So much that she barely recognized that she was her normally fair-looking, scrawny daughter with mediocre skin.

Mother Jung looked very proud seeing Eunha standing next to her handsome and outstanding Young Master Jeon. "The banquet hasn't started yet. Why don't you take a seat with Mingyu over there? Your dad is only on the couch too."

"Here, Mom, your birthday present from Mingyu," said Eunha as she handed the present over to Mother Jung.

Mother Jung couldn't stop smiling.

All of the guests were envious. They wondered what the Jung family had done in their past lives that they were able to marry into the Lu family.

"I don't remember Eunha being so pretty when I saw her a few years ago. How come she looks like an entirely different person now?"

The stunning Eunha was very different than how her relatives remembered her.

"I heard that she's a star now. All actresses know how to doll themselves up."

"That doesn't make any sense. Neither Jung Daihai nor Fang Qing are attractive people. How is it that Eunha suddenly shot out like that? She was just an okay-looking girl when they saw her two years ago."

"Now that she had married into the Jeon family, she is a rich lady and have the money to doll herself up. She's pretty now because she's classy."

"Didn't I hear that the Jung's niece also married into the Jeon family? How did the Lu family get so lucky?"

"Her niece isn't as lucky as their real daughter. Didn't you know? The niece married the fool but Eunha married the first young master. He stands to succeed the Jeon Enterprise in the future."

"I heard there is something wrong with the Jeon's second young master. Is that the one that their niece married?"


The guests were very engaged in the conversation, especially when they found out that the Jung's daughter and niece married the two young masters of the Jeon family, they continued to compare and contrast the two of them.

"Madam, the banquet is ready," said the servant to Mother Jung.

"Is Lisa here yet?" Mother Jung checked the time. She hasn't seen Lisa yet.

"No, not yet."

Mother Jung touched her quickly and said, "We are not going to wait. Bring the dishes. We don't want to keep First Young Master Jeon waiting." Even though Mingyu was her son-in-law, she dared not pull the mother-in-law card in front of him.

On the other side, Jung Dahai, Father Jung, had been chatting with Mingyu and praising how outstanding he was with every sentence.

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