127.No. Odd Big Sister is his. (3)

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She told the servant to keep the food warm as they wait for Jungkook to come back down.

Lisa, too, noticed that something was off about Jungkook. "Jungkook, what's the matter? Why are we rushing?"

Jungkook didn't make a sound but brought Lisa toward the top floor.

The young man's hand was warm and, because it was sweating, it was a bit moist. He pushed the door open and walked out to the rooftop with Lisa.

This was the first time Lisa had been to the Jeon's rooftop. She noticed that there was a garden up here and the most eye-catching part of it was the greenhouse in the middle.

Through the glass of the greenhouse, one could see that there were patches of red rose buds.

Jungkook let out of Lisa. He quickly opened up the door to the greenhouse and walked inside of it.

Lisa noticed that Jungkook looked like a charming demon when he stood amidst the red flowers in his red clothes, contrasted by his especially youthfulness and innocence between his eyes and brows.

This young man was so good looking.

Lisa stood next to him quietly and she saw Jungkook squatting down in front of some flowers and picked one of them.

The only red rose that was blooming.

Ever since Lisa's return, Jungkook would come here at night and in the morning, hoping that they would bloom.

With the flower in hand, Jungkook walked back out and quickly returned to where Lisa was standing.

"Is it for me?" Lisa was pleasantly surprised. Jungkook had learned to give flowers to girls?

The tips of the young man's ears under his black hair turned red stealthily.

He handed the flower over to her.

"You are bleeding." Lisa saw blood coming out of his finger, apparently from the thorn of the rose.

Jungkook didn't feel anything.

She held her hand and touched his wound. Lucky the thorn didn't go inside of it.

Lisa wanted to look for a tissue but noticed that she had nothing on her. Looking at the blood on Jungkook's fingertip, she lowered her head and licked it gently.

Jungkook looked up abruptly. He stared at her and blinked blankly.

"Okay." Lisa wiped away the blood on his fingertip. "You should be careful not to hurt yourself next time."

He couldn't feel pain and would not react to injuries. That was something very dangerous.

Jungkook felt a tingling sensation on the tip of his finger. It was an odd sensation but he liked it.

"Put the flower in my hair for me."

Lisa consumed another little sun. Holding onto his wrist, she guided him.

The fiery-red and glamorous rose was placed on the left side of Lisa's hair, making her little face looked even more charming.

Lisa smiled at him and asked, "How do I look?"

Jungkook looked at the rose, then from the rose to Lisa's face. His lips moved a little and he replied slowly. "Pretty you."

Lisa's eyes curved and there seemed to be fragments of stars in her limpid eyes and they were incredibly pretty.

Jungkook's lips curved upward slightly. He looked at her bright and charming face but, the very next second, her face started to blur in front of his eyes.

Jungkook reached his hand out and wanted to grab her but there was nothing where he grabbed.

The bright-colored rose fell into the ground.

Jungkook's lips were pinched shut and his eyes lowered.

His dark black eyes looked at the flower on the ground. A few petals had fallen off.

The Odd Big Sister did not bring the flower with her.

The butler finally found Jungkook on the rooftop. He saw his squatted there, picking up the petals carefully from the ground.

"Second Young Master, the Oh family called and wanted to find out the contact information of the other girl so they can thank her for what she had done today."

The butler said, "Madam had me ask you for the contact information for that girl to give to Young Master Oh......"

Before the butler was done talking, Jungkook, holding the rose in his palms, got up and left.

No, he won't give her to anyone. Odd Big Sister belonged to him.


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