152.He wished that Odd Big Sister will show up. (1)

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Standing in front of Jungkook, Golden Mane (previously Blonde) noticed that he was half a head shorter than the fool. He held his head up as high as he could. He might be shorter than him, but he could still be more domineering.

"Where did you keep your money?" Golden Mane searched his pockets but found nothing.

Golden Mane realized that this high school student was not just a fool, he was also a mute. He didn't talk nor would he cry out for help when he ran into them.

If only everyone was as cooperative as this fool and hand over their money, their work would be so much easier.

Golden Mane walked behind the fool and unzipped his backpack. He could only see a few books and some pens inside and nothing else.

"Fool, don't you have money on you today?" inquired Golden Mane angrily.

Jungkook lowered his head and did not say a word.

"Dang it, I am talking to you." Golden Mane was so angry that he spit on the ground. "Don't think that we won't hit you."

"Big Brother, he really is a mute." Red Mane walked over and patted the fool's body. "Look. No reaction. He is foolish and a mute."

Golden Mane smacked his peon Red Mane upside his head and said, "You don't think I can tell that? Are you the only smart one here?"

Red Mane quickly covered up his head, "What are we going to do then? Let him go?"

Golden Mane was not happy that he hadn't gotten any money. Annoyed, he shoved the fool against the wall and shoved his face against it. He then said viciously, "Little fool, you better have money on you at all times. If we run into you next time and you still don't have money......"

Red Mane quickly chimed in with the threat, "We will beat you up. Till your head is swollen."

Lisa happened to witness that when she got to the entrance of the alleyway.

She saw Jungkook's face being pushed against the wall, and he was still expressionless and said not a word.

Lisa quickly ran over to him, her heart aching. She was so anxious that she wanted to smack Golden Mane's hand away but her hand just went right through him.

Lisa was so angry that she wanted to materialize and scare the crap out of them. The very next second, Golden Mane, now done with the threatening, let go of Jungkook.

"Let's go, Big Brother." Red Mane quickly handed a cigarette over to Golden Mane.

"Who's the Big Brother here? You or me?" Golden Mane smacked Red Mane upside his head again.

"You are, of course." Red Mane was very good at brown nosing. "Big Brother, a new hot pot place opened up at the end of the street. I'm sure you will like it."

Golden Mane smacked Red Mane one more time. "Now you tell me? Hurry up and take me there!"

Golden Mane and Red Mane quickly headed over to the hot pot place.

Lisa committed their looks to her memory and quickly asked Jungkook, "Are you alright, Kookie?"

She quickly checked out Jungkook's. His handsome face got some dust on it from being pushed against the wall and his uniform also had some moss on it and looked a little dirty.

Lisa looked over him and finally let out a sigh of relief when she realized that he was not hurt.

Reaching out and wiping away the dust on his face, Lisa asked, "Why are you here? Where's the chauffeur?" Jungkook was always transported by the chauffeur everywhere he went.

Jungkook looked up. He looked a Lisa quickly before turning away.

That wasn't enough. He turned and looked at her again. This time he looked at her for a few seconds before turning away.

His lips were pressed shut slightly and his hand voluntarily held Lisa's little hand that was to her side.

The young man's hand was a bit chilled, and he held on tightly to Lisa's hand. His dark eyes looked at her silently.

Odd Big Sister was back.

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