176.She only has 2% more to go on her halo. (2)

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The Kim family was a old family in City Nan. Nevertheless, their family members had been decreasing over generations.

Their main branch, in particular, had yet to have someone of the newer generation.

Now that Old Mr. Kim had been getting weaker and weaker by the year and that his life was counting down, the battle between the side branches had been intensifying and everyone was dreaming about Old Mr. Kim's inheritance every day.

Nobody knew that it was already clearly stated in Old Mr. Kim's will that had he failed to locate his descendants within 5 years, all of his inheritance would be donated to charity.

Nobody had expected that Old Mr. Kim would give up his fortune just like that.

"What have been going on today?" Old Mr. Kim asked his butler.

The butler replied respectfully, "Fifth Young Mistress and Fourth Young Master came to visit you. But, as you were resting in the afternoon, I took the liberty to send them back."

Old Mr. Kim nodded and didn't ask anything else about Fifth Young Mistress and Fourth Young Master.

Old Mr. Kim was not so old that he was confused. He could see clearly that the side branches had been stirring more and more as of late. They have been getting progressively more ambitious even when they were only thinly related.

The butler chatted with Old Mr. Kim for a little and retrieved quietly when he said that Old Mr. Kim had closed his eyes.

A servant walked over anxiously at this time.

"What's the matter? Why are you rushing?"

"A young lady is here, and she said she's Mr. Kim's......" The servant paused a little.

The butler looked at her nonchalantly, "Mr. Kim's what?"

"Said she is Mr. Kim's... Mr. Kim's granddaughter."

The butler's look finally changed a little. "And she's still outside?"


The butler headed over to the front entrance. Many had came claiming that they were Old Mr. Kim's son over the years. After all, everyone knew that Old Mr. Kim had lost a son.

This was the very first time that someone claiming to be his granddaughter.

The butler felt that this time might be real.

He hastened his speed subconsciously.

When he reached the outside, he was a somewhat good-looking young woman in a delicate outfit.

He restrained his studying look and said to her calmly, "Hi, how are you?"

Seeing the middle-aged man who had walked out, Eunha looked a little shock. She recognized this man. He was the one assisting Old Mr. Kim in searching for his family members in her dream.

This middle-aged man was Old Mr. Kim's right-hand man.

Recalling that, Eunha put on a tender smile and worked on leaving him with a good impression. "Hi, I am looking for Old Mr. Kim."

"Pray tell, Miss, what is it that you wish to talk to Old Mr. Kim about?" The butler still want to confirm again for himself even though the servant had already relayed the purpose of her visit.


Eunha hesitated for a little while before she said, "There's something very important that I wish to tell Old Mr. Kim."

"May I ask what it is?" It was obvious that the butler wasn't going to just let her inside.

Eunha knew that it would not be an easy feat to get inside the Kim's front door. She said, "I am related to him."

She pulled out the little jade stamp. "I have this with me."

The color on the butler's face finally changed when he saw the little jade stamp. Of course he recognized the little jade stamp. Old Mr. Kim had one just like that that he carried around with him all the time.

"This is yours?" asked the butler.

Eunha nodded. "Yes, it's mine. I've had it my entire life."

The butler had an idea now. "Follow me, Miss."

"Wait." A young woman appeared out of nowhere. "Uncle Jiang, this woman obviously had ulterior motives showing up at this time and whatnot. How can you just let her meet with Grandpa?"

The butler replied to her, "Fifth Young Miss, she has on her Mr. Kim's token. Whether she is or is not related with Mr. Kim, he will get to the bottom of it. This is not something that you can interfere."

The woman referred to as Fifth Young Miss was the granddaughter of one of Old Mr. Kim's cousins. She belonged to one of the offshoots of the Kim's and was the youngest of her generation. Her name is Kim Yeri.

She said, "Then I'll go in with her. I will help him keep an eye out on her. I wouldn't want him to be fooled by some random strangers."

Having said that, Yeri quickly walked inside, not wanting to be stopped by the butler.

"This way please, Miss." The butler gestured Eunha to follow him inside.

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