68.The stars in little Jungkook's eyes crumbled. (2)

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"Kook, where did you go? Mom was so worried." Mother Jeon ignored Jungkook's resistance and threw her arms around him. Tears streamed down her cheeks and the weight had finally been lifted off her chest.

"Mom was worried sick." Mother Jeon hugged her skinny son tightly, fear that she would lose him again.

Jungkook's mouth was shut tight and his brows furrowed. Not wanting to be hugged, he started struggling to break free from Mother Jeon.

Mother Jeon let out a deep sigh of relief. "Kook, don't run round like that again in the future."

She let go of him and Jungkook stopped struggling.

Father Jeon wasn't as emotional as Mother Jeon but his eyes were still glistening from moisture.

Next to them, in a white shirt, was Mingyu who was smiling tendering, "Little brother, you are home safely. That is great. Mom and Dad were very worried."

Jungkook said nothing.

Mother Jeon looked her son up and down and, after she had made sure that he was not injured, finally said, "Alright, let's not stand around the front door any more. Let's go inside."

Lisa followed behind them.

Walking in front, Jungkook suddenly turned around and looked at her.

Lisa's lips curved upward and she hastened her pace.

Kookie was starting to pay her attention!

In the dining room, Mother Jeon busied herself around Jungkook. She finally let him back to his room to get some rest after he was done eating.

Lisa followed him upstairs.

Mingyu showed up in the hallway all of a sudden.

"How did you get back?" He blocked in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook said nothing. He did not react to what Mingyu was saying to him.

Mingyu sighed, "Mom and Dad worried about you."

Lisa frowned when she heard that.

Mingyu's voice was low. "I didn't think you would be able to find your way home so quickly. Why did you still come back?"

Lisa was stunned when she heard Mingyu's words.

She knew all along that Mingyu had bullied Jungkook when they were children and that Mingyu had been a mean one but she chalked that up to him being young and didn't know any better. Hearing what Mingyu was saying now, she just looked at him in a whole different light.

"The Jeon family needs no fool." Mingyu went on to say. "You shouldn't have come back."

Lisa thought she was hallucinating. Mingyu was belittling Jungkook purposefully. How could he!

Mingyu knew that Jungkook would not respond to him. He smiled and walked away.

Looking at the quiet Jungkook and then back at Mingyu with the smug look on him, Lisa was angry.

Something occurred to Lisa. She leaned into Jungkook's ear with a smile and said, "Kookie, let me teach him a lesson for you." Having said that, she quickly ran after Mingyu.

She spent one little sun so she could materialize.

In the hallway, Mingyu seemed to have tripped over something. His entire body tumbled forward and he felt solidly onto the floor.

Mingyu fell hard. His nose slammed against the floor and started to bleed.

"Young Master, your nose is bleeding." A servant who walked past happened to saw Mingyu fell and quickly walked over to help him up.

Mingyu didn't let them help him. Covering his nose with his hand, he turned and looked behind him. There was nothing on the ground.

Mingyu frowned. For certain he had felt something that tripped him.

Was he mistaken?

Looking at Mingyu's disheveled look, Lisa smiled like she was a little fox who had just stolen food. Once again, she felt that the power of the little suns was wonderful.

Returning to the room, Jungkook sat quietly on the bed.

Lisa walked over and told him, "Kookie, I've taught Mingyu a lesson for you and caused him some pain."

Jungkook looked up at her. He finally said after a long while, "Disappear you."

Are you about to disappear?

Lisa was surprised, "Oh, how are you so smart and know that I have to go soon?"

Their meeting this time was short.

Jungkook looked at her quietly, "No leave."

"That's not something that I have control over." Lisa teased him purposefully. "Kookie, do you not want me to go?"

Jungkook's long and straight eyelashes fluttered and he said in a low voice, "Mmhmm."

He stood up, walked over to the dresser, opened up the top drawer and pulled out a colorful ribbon from inside of it.

Jungkook walked back over.

"What is the ribbon for?" Lisa was baffled.

Jungkook sat down next to Lisa. "Tie you, no go."

He put one of his let next to Lisa's then, bending over, he tied Lisa's ankle and his together.

Lisa wasn't sure what to make of that. She suddenly recalled how little Jungkook had grabbed onto her hem so she wouldn't leave him and, now that he had grown, he had learned to tie her down.

Nevertheless, Jungkook quickly realized that the ribbon went right through Lisa's leg and could not be used to tie her.

He blinked. His lips shut and he looked at Lisa blankly as though was asking her why did the ribbon went through her.

To satisfy him, Lisa spent another little sun so she could materialize. "Okay, try again now."

Jungkook noticed that the ribbon could be tied around Lisa now.

The girl's ankle was skinny and Jungkook clumsily wrapped the ribbon around a few times, tying her ankle to his.

Looking at the knot that Jungkook had tied around them, Lisa busted out laughing.

There was a smile in Jungkook's eyes as well. It was light, like little stars were embedded in them.

This time, Lisa did not cover up Jungkook's eyes with her hand.

She pinched his cheek a little. "I have to go now."

Jungkook blinked and the girl's pretty face turned blurry in front of him bit and bit. And then she was gone.

The knot came lose and the colorful ribbon fell loosely onto his foot. The stars in little Jungkook's eyes crumbled.

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