169.He grunted like a little beast who had been attacked. (2)

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Lisa tossed the tissue away into a trash can by the side of the road. Pulling out her cellphone, she made a call.

"I need a favor."

The bodyguard was very cautious. "Anything, Second Young Madam."

He had failed at watching over the young master previously and allowed others take advantage of the opportunity to get close to the young master. That was a big mistake on his part. The second young madam, however, never blamed or disciplined him over that.

In either case, he must listen to what the second young madam wanted him to do for her.

"I want you to help me tail two people and keep me updated on their whereabouts." Lisa had that idea ever since the first time Eunha had her eyes on her little jade stamp.

Instead of having someone eyeing it over time, she was better off just satisfying their needs.

Lisa gave them the fake jade stamp. With Master Chen's craftsmanship, the fake one looked almost identical to the real one.

Perhaps, she could find out through Eunha what the jade stamp could do.

At the Jung's.

Eunha came down from the second floor after Lisa had taken off.

She knew that Lisa might not hand over the jade stamp if she was there.

"How did it go, Mom? Did you get it?" Eunha looked anxious.

"Don't worry. It's right here." Mother Jung produced the little box from behind her.

Eunha immediately opened up the box and confirmed that it was, indeed, the jade stamp that she had seen before. "I knew that Lisa would listen to you."

Mother Jung, too, smiled. "All the years of raising her weren't a waste."

Pausing a little, she said, "But, she wiped my sweat earlier. I wonder if anything had got onto her tissue and that she would realize that I was faking my illness."

Eunha wasn't bothered by that. "Now that we have the little jade stamp, so what if she had noticed? What could she do?"

Mother Jung felt that what Eunha said made sense and was no longer worried.

"Mom, I had someone looked into it the last couple of days. This jade stamp came from the Kim family over at City Nan." Eunha found a photo of Old Mr. Kim. He looked exactly like the old man in her dream.

Mother Jung was stunned. "Are you talking about the Kim's.... of City Nan?"

The Jeon in the North and the Kim in the South.

Unlike the high-profile Jeon family, the Kim family had remained lowkey in recent years.

"That's the one," Eunha nodded definitely.

In her dream, Lisa had succeeded the Kim's fortune. As such, Lisa's wealthy could rival that of the Jeon's.

Mother Jung was shocked beyond words at this point. All she could hear was the plan told to her by her daughter.

When Lisa returned to the Jeon family, she was surprised to discover that Mother Jeon was discharged from the hospital two days early.

The servant told her that Mother Jeon had just returned and was resting in her room. She was not in a very good mood.

Lisa knocked on Mother Jeon's door.

She saw Mother Jeon looking at a photo album when she walked inside.

"Mom, why did you decide to get discharged from the hospital early so suddenly?" She had planned to take Jungkook with her to the hospital when Mother Jeon was discharged.

"I'm fine. I have mostly recovered already. As long as I am not walking around, the incision site doesn't hurt much." Mother Jeon patted at the spot next to her and gesture Lisa to go and sit next to her.

Mother Jeon was dressed very simple and elegantly today. She had on a white dress set with dark green emerald bead necklace. She was elegant and attractive as usual. "I left the hospital to visit Kook's late grandmother today."

Jungkook's grandmother? That's Mother Jeon's mother then.

Lisa listened to Mother Jeon quietly.

"Kook's grandmother had heart disease. She had an episode and passed away when Xiao Jue was a sophomore in high school." Mother Jeon carried on to say, "It so happened that Kook was with her when she had her episode."

Lisa was stunned.

She had an idea about what happened next.

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