199.I am Angel Big Sister, I can make any of your wish comes true. (2)

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This time, the butler picked up the phone. The servant was just about to tell him that they had lost the Young Master when the tall and skinny young man in red came in from the outside with his head lowered.

The servant was stunned, followed by joy.

"What's the matter?" asked the butler from the other end of the phone.

"Oh. Nothing. Nothing." The servant hung up the phone and the two walked toward Jungkook quickly.

"Young Master, when did you go out? How did you get so drenched by the rain? We have been looking for you."

"Young Master, let me prepare your bath water for you. Dinner is ready. I've placed it inside your room already."

Holding Lisa's hand, Jungkook went upstairs without saying a word.

"What should we do? We have no idea how long the Young Master had been gone and how long he had been in the rain. Do you think he will get sick?" The servant was worried.

"Let me go and make some ginger tea."

"The Young Master doesn't like that."

"I think he'll be fine. The Young Master jogs everyday and he's young and strong. He will probably be fine."

"We must keep better guard and not let him leave again."

Inside the bedroom.

Jungkook was wet all over and his short, black hair was stuck to his forehead. His skin was pale as was his lips. He looked disheveled and pitiful.

"Hurry up and go shower. Take your wet clothes off." Lisa worried that Jungkook would get sick. She recalled Mother Jeon mentioning that Jungkook got sick after sitting in the rain and was sick for days. He even lost a lot of weight from that.

Jungkook's lowered eyelids quivered and he straight-up took off his red sweatshirt.

The young man's body was not as skinny as it once was. His chest was broad and strong and she could start seeing definition of his muscles.

Lisa gave it a glance and turned away. She couldn't help but glanced over one more time. The young man's waist was very skinny and it looked like it had unlimited explosively hidden within it.

Lisa had yet to recollect herself when she saw Jungkook removed even his pants right in front of her.

Lisa, "......"

She saw that Jungkook also had on red underwear. At least they weren't the bright floral ones that big Kookie liked so much.

"No, no, no. You shouldn't take off anymore. Keep the rest on till you are inside the bathroom." Lisa quickly stopped Jungkook when she saw that he was still going with what he was doing.

Jungkook looked at her blankly.

Lisa glanced over unintentionally and, blushing, quickly shoved Jungkook inside the bathroom.

It was still raining outside and Lisa, sitting by the bed, was contemplating what Overlord meant by the timeline was messed up before her trip.

She had thought that she would have a chance to travel back in time to before Jungkook's grandmother had passed away. Regardless of whether she would be able to save her, at least she would have a shot at it.

But now, arriving after his grandmother's episode, she didn't even have a shot at it.

Looking at the darkness outside the window, Lisa's eyes dimmed.

Jungkook got out of his bath quickly. He had on a pair of red underwear covered in prints of dog heads. His hair was still wet.

He was no longer looking pale but his eyes were dim.

"Dry you fair before you go to bed."

Jungkook did not respond. He did, however, grabbed a towel and started rubbing it over his head randomly. He made his dark, short hair a mess.

He only rubbed the towel over his head a few times before he tossed it away impatiently.

He then walked over to the bed and sat down next to Lisa. His eyes lowered and he sat down quietly. He seemed sad and lonely.

He knew that his grandmother was gone.

It was his fault that his grandmother was gone forever.

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