88.Jungkook blinked and looked at the two person kissing on the screen (1)

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Lisa must say that the young Jungkook was very easy to placate.

That night, Lisa went downstairs when Jungkook was showering.

Mother Jeon hadn't retired to her room yet and was saying something to the butler. Lisa walked over to her.

"Have the kitchen have Kook's birthday cake ready ahead of time for day after tomorrow. Make sure they make all the dishes that he likes. Have someone put up pretty colorful lights around the living room. And also colorful decorations." Mother Jeon was very thorough in her instructions, not wanting to miss any details.

Standing next to her, Lisa was a bit surprised. Jungkook's birthday was day after tomorrow?

The butler responded, "Yes, Madam. I will make sure they are all taken care of."

"Okay." Mother Jeon had a lot of faith in the butler's ability.

With the Jeon's wealth and that Jungkook was the young master of the Lu, his birthday should be a big celebration. Unfortunately, he was not a fan of crowded places.

His birthdays had always been celebrated at the Jeon's place ever since he was a child and they never invited anyone else to attend.

As such, all Mother Jeon could do was to focus on the decorations.

Lisa returned to her room. Her one minute of time to be able to touch physical objects was up so she had to walk through the door.

She had just gone inside when she saw Jungkook standing in the middle of the room in his red pajama, his hair wet and water was dripping down from it.

His black eyes were limpid and dazed. Seeing Lisa appearing suddenly, he walked over to her with his long legs and grabbed her by her slender wrist. "Where go you?"

"I just went downstairs. What's the matter?" Lisa could feel his nervousness with her hand held by him tightly.

Jungkook kept his mouth shut. The water continued to drip down his short hair and his collar was soaked.

"I am not leaving yet." Lisa comforted him. "Don't worry. I will let you know before I disappear. I will not leave without saying goodbye."

Jungkook lowered his eyes and didn't say a word.

"Go dry your hair quickly. Your clothes are getting wet."

Lisa rushed him. "Go. I'll be here watching you."

Jungkook finally let go of her reluctantly.

The night thickened.

The light in the bedroom was off and it was dark around them.

Lisa, lying on the couch, was thinking about what to do to that Goenhee, the person who led the bullying of Jungkook, tomorrow.

She was deep in thought and did not notice the small rustling noises coming from the bed.

In the dark, a slender and warm body got close to her all of a sudden.

Lisa was startled and dazed.

The body took over most of the small and narrow couch and Lisa could only scoot toward the inner part of the couch. She let out a soft cry, "Jungkook?"

Jungkook's body was up against hers and his low and dull voice particularly clear in the dark. "Sleep with you. Sleep with you."

Lisa, "......"

Lisa spent another little sun to turn on the desk lamp sitting on the end table.

Under the dim yellow light, Jungkook, in his red outfit, was carrying his red pillow in his arm. His body rotating half way, he tried to lie down next to Lisa.

His hair was a bit messy and they made his youth and handsome face looked dazed and cute.

Jungkook squinted his eyes when the light was turned on. He looked quietly at Lisa with his dark, black eyes and the meaning in them were obvious. He wanted to sleep with her.

Lisa suddenly recalled that Jungkook was so upset that she slept on his bed the night that she had transmigrated over that a black cloud with lightning appeared over his head.

And now, the young Jungkook was trying to climb into her bed?

"I don't need you to sleep with me." Where did he learn that from? "Hurry up and return to your own bed."

Little Jungkook had learned to be a bad boy.

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