103.Lisa realized that even a small beast still has wildness inside. (3)

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Jungkook lowered his eyes. His wet hair laid docilely on his forehead. Jungkook, like a wet puppy, did not make a noise.

Lisa wasn't trying to force him into changing overnight.

After a long while, Jungkook finally said begrudgingly, "No jog in rain."

He would not jog in the rain anymore.

Lisa's lips curved. "Whoever lies is a puppy."

Jungkook gave her a look. There was obvious resentment in his eyes, "Puppy you."

You are puppy.

Seeing that Lisa was able to talk Jungkook into returning, Mother Jeon quickly had someone bring wet towels for the two to dry their hair. "Where's the ginger soup? Bring some ginger soup quickly."

Mother Jeon wanted to help Jungkook dry his hair but he avoided her.

Sighing, Mother Jeon went over to help Lisa dry her hair. "Drink the ginger soup while it is still hot. Don't catch a cold."

Lisa docilely drank the ginger soup while pinching her nose.

Jungkook disliked the smell of the ginger soup. He turned and left, not wanting to even touch it.

"He hated the smell of ginger since he was a child." Mother Jeon gave up helplessly.

Mother Jeon rushed Lisa to go upstairs to change and redo the bandage on her ankle after she finished the ginger soup.

Lisa ran into Eunha in the hallway on the second floor.

It looked like Eunha was waiting for her there purposefully.

"You looking for me?" asked Lisa with a frown.

Eunha looked at Lisa. Even with her hair, skirt, and even the bandage around her ankle all wet and looking disheveled, Lisa was still extraordinarily pretty. Eunha's heart ached and she did not look happy.

"The servants said that you went out in the rain and talked Jungkook into returning?" Eunha gave Lisa a pitiful look. "It must not have been easy to get Jungkook to come back."

Eunha remembered that Jungkook had ran out in the pouring rain once before like fool.

Mother Lu, running out of options, had two security guards went to drag him back. Jungkook was so strong while struggling that he even knocked a servant over.

In her mind, it must have taken Lisa a lot of work to convince Jungkook to come back.

"What are you trying to say?" Lisa's hem was wet. She just wanted to go back to her room and change.

Eunha looked like she could relate. "I know how awful you feel having to deal with Jungkook and his episodes."

Lisa narrowed her eyes. Her eyes were much prettier now. The corners of her eyes pointed upward, making her look seductive.

Overlord had mentioned to her that the worse off the original owner was and the more unhappy she was, the easier it was for Eunha to steal her halo.

Was Eunha trying to steal her halo with the approach right now?

Lisa smiled. She shook her head at Eunha and said, "I feel fine."

How could she not looking at how Eunha was about to start jumping up and down in agitation?

In Eunha's shock, Lisa leaned into her and said purposefully, "Did you not sleep well the last couple of days? Your face....."

Eunha was taken aback a little. He first reached was to cover up her face. "What's wrong with my look?"

Turning ugly publicly twice had traumatized Eunha greatly. She panicked when Lisa mentioned her look.

"Why don't you go and look into the mirror?" Lisa suggested.

Eunha dreaded that her look had gotten even worse. She no longer wanted to be engaged with Lisa and ran off while covering her face.

Lisa found that comical. Only a thief would live in fear day and night.

That night, Lisa noticed that Jungkook was very hot. He was running a fever.

She told Mother Lu right away and the Lu family had their family doctor came over.

"Must because he was jogging in the rain earlier." Mother Lu frowned and was worried.

"Kook never cry or said anything when he got sick or injured, no matter how serious they were. It was lucky that Lali noticed it right away." Mother Jeon sighed.

Father Jeon, standing next to her, comforted her. "Don't worry. Let's see what the doctor has to say."

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