19.Lisa was stunned when she saw the little boy in the picture. (1)

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Inside the car.

Lisa looked at Jungkook sitting next to her and saw the black cloud in the indicator above his head. She found that amusing.

Some autistic people had their own daily routines and, when they were interrupted or interfered with, it would cause make them feel unhappy or anxiety.

Jungkook went jogging in the morning every day and would play with his puzzle, on his computer, and read at specific hours in the afternoon. It was as though they had an alarm clock set and was both rigid and boring.

Being dragged out by Lisa interrupted his routine and, as such, Jungkook was unhappy right now.

Lisa had gotten the permission from Mother Jeon before she took Jungkook out. Mother Jeon was surprised but agreed to it immediately. Jungkook had, after all, not left the house for a long while. She wished that her son would come into contact with more people, communicate with them, and alleviate him symptoms that way.

Lisa was very happy that she was able to get him to leave the house.

When the two left, Mother Jeon sent a few bodyguards to accompany them. In fact, Mother Jeon gave Lisa a credit card, one of Jungkook's secondary card.

The butler reminded Lisa that the card has no upper limit.

Lisa was a smart one. She knew that the butler had been instructed by Mother Jeon to remind her.

A credit card with no limit that she could spend as much as she pleased. Spending Jungkook's money, then she needed to take good care of him.

As far as Mother Jeon was concerned, as long as Lisa would be nice to Jungkook, she could be nice to Lisa. There was nothing more important to her than her son.

Lisa would never even dream about such a good thing. She would be nice to Jungkook and woo him regardless of whether Mother Jeon had asked her to do so.

The car stopped in front of the mall.

Lisa was the first to get out of the car, followed by Jungkook, with his lips shut tightly.

He still had on his red sweat shirt with a pair of black slacks on the bottom. He was tall and his brows and eyes made him stood out. He drew a lot of attention even just standing quietly next to the car.

"Let's head in." Lisa couldn't wait to fill up her empty closet with the card given to her from Mother Jeon.

There were many people at the mall entrance. Jungkook kept his head lowered and remained quiet.

Lisa could see that the three little black clouds on top of him was growing like it has had some sort of catalyst.

He was even more unhappy now than he was before?

Jungkook was very tall and Lisa must lift her head up and stand on her tip toes before she could whisper into his ear. "Don't worry. I'll hold your hand. All you need to do is to walk next to me."

She reached out to Jungkook's large hand that was dangling by his side.

His hand was a little bit chill and his fingers long, slender, and defined. Much like his look, they were attractive looking.

"Let's go."

Jungkook looked at Lisa's hand. It was soft. Odd to the touch, but he didn't mind it.

Lisa walked toward the inside of the mall while holding onto Jungkook's hand. The few bodyguards followed behind them attracted too much attention so she had them followed them from a distance.

There were a lot of people inside of the mall and Lisa could feel Jungkook's hand tightening around hers noticeably. He even scooted closer to her.

The little black cloud became even bigger inside his indicator.

Lisa held onto his hand tightly and did not lead him into the crowd. She accepted the fact that he was different and would not try to force him to adapt to this world.

She said to him in a low voice. "I want many pretty dresses. Come and help me pick some out, will you?"

"And I want to buy many pretty jewelries."

"Jungkook, what do you like?"

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