179.Pretty, like. (1)

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Lisa, "Butler, you have her address and contact information of her family member on file, right?"

The butler replied right away, "Yes. We conduct background checks before we bring anyone on."

The maid turned pale and said in a low voice, "It was First Young Madam. She had me collect your hair." She had made a mistake in the past and it was First Young Madam who had covered it up for her.

Lisa had already guessed that. "Did you hear her, Butler?"

"Yes, I did, Young Madam." The butler knew that Second Young Madam was asking him to be a witness.

When the Second Young Madam first married into the Jeon family, she was dull and gloomy day in and day out. She did not like to talk or interact with anyone at the Jeon's.

She had changed completely recently. Not only was she able to appease the Madam, she was also getting closer and closer with Young Master Jungkook.

And now, he had further experienced the Second Young Madam's shrewdness, calmness, and organized fashion when it came to taking care of problems.

Contrarily, the First Young Madam, who seemed to smart in the past, seemed to have lost her mind recently and had been committing one strange act after another.

After the matters of the maid was resolved, Lisa recalled that she still had 20% halo on Eunha and quickly traded in her remaiKim 18 little suns.

She didn't want Eunha to successfully pretend to be her and under the effect of the halo.

Eunha was, after all, the female lead of the novel. With the halo, she practically possessed the characteristics of a salted fish koi.

In the novel, Eunha didn't need to put in any work or pursue anything and opportunities that others had worked hard for but unable to achieve would just fall on her. Opportunities that others would fought over with all their might would also end up being hers.

Even when she was just drinking water, she would easily end up on the most trending list and advertisers would reach out to her to be the spokesperson for their beverages.

The thought of that was very scary and she quickly summoned Overlord to exchange for her halo.

Thinking that Eunha only had 2% halo remaiKim. Even with her salted fish characteristic, it would be quite difficult for her to turn things around for herself again.

Over at the Kim's at the same time.

Yeri couldn't believe what she had just seen. She even rubbed her eyes.

She was sure that she was not mistaken. She noticed Eunha's fair and long legs earlier and they were quite pretty. Which was why she had taken a few extra looks at them. All of sudden, Eunha's legs had became shorter and her skin rougher in the flash of an eye.

She was so startled that gasped. "Your legs, your legs......"

She also noticed that Eunha was still a little bit attractive a little while ago but, all of a sudden, even that was gone. She was just delicate at best right now.

What was going on with this woman? How could her look and legs change in the blink of an eye like that?

Eunha was panicking when she heard Old Mr. Kim said that the little jade stamp was fake. And now, when someone was point at her legs, she quickly looked down.

She saw that her pair of beautiful legs that she was proud about had turned back into how they used to be.

Once she had returned to her original look, Eunha looked more like her father and her body resembled her mother more.

Her features were not delicate at all when looked at separately but, when they were all put together, she was fair and pleasing to the eyes. She was above average and somewhat pretty after she had applied some makeup.

As for her body shape, her upper body was flat and her waist ordinary. They had nothing to do with small and soft. She was not all and her calf thick, somewhat resembled the shape of carrots.

In the past, she would only wear long skirts in the summertime in order to cover up as much of her legs as possible. Every time she saw Lisa in her short skirts displaying her long and fair legs, Eunha would feel sour from jealousy.

And now, everything had returned to how it used to be.

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