104.Lisa realized that even a small beast still has wildness inside. (4)

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Lisa saw a black cloud appearing in Jungkook's indicator. Apparently, he was unhappy from not feeling well.

Dr. Jin prescribed him some medications and left a lot of advices.

After everybody had left and the room quieted down once again, Lisa poured some water and handed the pills over to Jungkook.

He had on a blue pajama with big red flowers. Lying flat on the bed, his cute face was flustered from the fever, his eyes limpid, and, with the little black cloud above his head, he looked both pitiful and cute.

"Take the medicines first." Lisa fed him the pills.

Jungkook opened up his mouth when asked.

She was just about to hand the glass over to him when she turned and saw that Jungkook had already swallowed the pills. Boy oh boy, he wasn't bothered by the bitterness at all.

"Have some water," said Lisa as she thrusted the glass into his hand.

Jungkook finished the entire glass of water docilely before he sat up and placed the glass where it used to be.

Lisa wasn't sure what to make of that. Even in his illness, he still remembered where the glass went.

"Are you still feeling sick?" The little black cloud remained over his head.

Jungkook's lips turned red and moist from his fever. His lips shut tightly and he didn't make a sound.

"You are such a good boy today. Good boys get rewarded." Lisa tried to woo him.

Jungkook blinked and looked at her quietly as though asking her what the rewards would be.

"Lie down."

Jungkook laid back down. His pitch-black eyes still looking at Lisa.

Lately, Jungkook had been looking at her more and more and his eyes lingered on her longer and longer. In addition, he seemed to be listening to what she had to say.

That was a big improvement.

Lisa towered over Jungkook and looked at him. She felt that her lips were a little dry.

She reached out her fingers and her finger tips that were slightly cool, touched his Adam's apple. "Here. Want me to give you a kiss?"

Jungkook processed what she had said slowly. Because of the fever, his voice was low and magnetic. "Kiss me."

Lisa didn't hem and haw. She leaned down and got close to him.

Jungkook's body temperature was very high and, when her lips touched his Adam's apple, she could feel his temperature.

She touched him gently and Jungkook, forced to looked up, his body shuddered.

The little black cloud over his head disappeared and, in the blink of an eyes, a little sun appeared.

Gold and shiny, much cuter than a black little cloud.

It looked like he liked being touched that way.

Lisa didn't feel much when she had touched him there with her fingers in the past. Now that she was kissing him there, it was very suggestive. She wasn't sure whether she has affected by Jungkook's temperature, she felt that her ears started to burn.

She kissed him again after she harvested the little sun.

Her soft lips landed on top of his Adam's apple. Jungkook couldn't help but gulped. His prominent Adam's apple rolled up and down and was very sexy.

The second little sun appeared.

Then, the third, the fourth......

Jungkook's face was burning up as were his thin eyelids. As though he was losing control of himself, his low and deep sound came from his throat and it sounded like the growling of a small beast.

Pitiful and helpless, it was being bullied with its little claws retracted.

Lisa looked up a little and saw the roiling under his eyes.

She suddenly even a small little beast was wild.

As though displeased by Lisa's pulling away, Jungkook placed his hand on the back of Lisa's head and pressed it back down toward his neck. "Want, more kisses."

Caught off guard, Lisa fell onto Jungkook's body and her lips landed forcefully on his neck.

The ignorant and pitiful little beast let out a deep grunt and Lisa wasn't sure if she had hurt him.

Suddenly, the room door swung open.

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