163.Mom, I have an idea. Just work with me on it. (3)

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Mother Jung still remembered that her daughter was delicate, pretty, and eye-catching when she returned home for her birthday not too long ago. She even thought at the time that her daughter had become prettier and prettier after she had married into the Jeon family.

Mother Jung was surprised to see her daughter whose features, skin, body shape had changed so drastically.

"Eunha, what happened to you recently?" asked Mother Jung as she looked Eunha up and down. "How come you look so much worse than you did last time? Did something happen to you recently? Did you not take good care of yourself?"

In fact, her daughter did not become uglier; it was more like she was returning to her original self.

And, during the period of time when she was very pretty, it was like she had applied level 10 beautifying effect. And not the effect was gone.

"Tell Mom the truth. Whatever had happened to your looks. Why did it keep changing back and forth?" Mother Jung asked Eunha anxiously. Of course she hoped that her daughter was almost pretty.

Eunha hesitated.

Mother Jung brought Eunha with her and sat down on the couch. It looked like she wanted to have a heart-to-heart conversation with her.

Eunha knew that when she was in possession of the halo, even when she became prettier and prettier, nobody would question that under the effect of the halo.

Now that she had lost the halo, however, others would question why she was becoming uglier.

She had made a public statement in the past that the changes on her was due to an allergic reaction. That was only a temporary excuse. Her original plan was to take the halo back form Lisa, get her looks back, and then there would be no more questions.

Unfortunately, no matter how she tried to fix it, the cracks on her pendant continued to increase in both number and size. It gave her a feeling that she would never be able to take he halo back from Lisa again.

Her mother knew her the best. Her excuse of allergic reaction might be able to fool others for a while, but not her own parents.

Eunha showed her mother her jade pendant. "This is what made me pretty in the past."

And Eunha filled Mother Jung in on all the details.

The more Mother Jung had found out, the more awed she was. She no longer cared about how she appeared. "This jade pendant is that miraculous?"

Eunha nodded. She had found the pendant at a booth at a market. She fell in love with it right away.

Later on, a voice came from the jade pendant, telling her how to steal Lisa's halo. Once he had passed the instructions onto Eunha, the voice disappeared, and Eunha wasn't able to get it to talk again no matter how hard she tried.

Later on, she followed the instructions from the pendant to steal Lisa's halo. After a couple of times, she realized that it really worked. Her skin had become better.

Once she had a taste of that, all hell came loose. She continued to take more and more halo from Lisa.

After she had married Mingyu, she had arranged for Lisa to come visit her at the Lu's just to have her close.

Her goal was to set Lisa up with Jungkook for the sake of ease of steaJungg her halo. Lo and behold, she didn't even need to lift a finger when Mother Jeon noticed Jungkook's special attention toward Lisa.

After Lisa had married into the Jeon family, Eunha was able to take away more halo from her. She became immensely prettier and the most beautiful woman in the entertainment circle.

What was unexpected was that a crack appeared on the pendant one day and she was slowly getting back to how she used to be.

"Mom, everything that I had done in the past was all for naught." The more she talked about it, the angrier Eunha was.

Mother Jung was dazed after she heard everything that Eunha had told her.

No wonder her daughter had become prettier and prettier when her niece became uglier and uglier.

She had assumed that her daughter was becoming prettier because she was living a good life and that she was happy. Whereas her niece was becoming uglier because her days hadn't been well.

When, in reality, this was all her daughter's doing.

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