162.Mom, I have an idea. Just work with me on it. (2)

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Lisa wasn't sure whether it was because she had been having more physical contacts with Jungkook recently, she had been having more inappropriate thoughts as well. Meeting Jungkook's clear eyes, she suddenly felt like she was a sinner.

Ever since she had been booted out of the Jeon's house, Eunha and Mingyu moved into a mansion that was not too far away from the Jeon's. This was a property that Mingyu had purchased not too long ago.

Mingyu had already rushed over to his office. Father and Mother Jeon were still upset what Eunha had done.

In addition, Mother Jeon had just had her surgery and needed to rest. Father Jeon had to stay with her, and Mingyu had to temporarily take over matters with the company.

He wanted to do a good job and hopefully that would quell his parents' anger.

Eunha, sitting in bed, did not look well. She was startled awake.

She had another dream about the little jade stamp again the night before.

Her dream was much clearer this time around. Unlike in the past, when the only person that she could see clearly was Lisa and all of the other faces were blurry.

Eunha took a deep breath.

In her dream, she saw an old man in an old resident. He told the men that he was closed to that they must help him locate his family.

She saw the old man pulled out a little jade stamp. One that looked identical to the one that her mother had given to Lisa.

Come to think about it, Eunha could feel the shock in her dream, as though she had truly experienced it in real life.

Then, she saw that the old man's men located Lisa. She then dreamed that Lisa had succeeded large amount of money after the old man had passed away.

Overnight, Lisa turned into one that everyone wanted to become. She had gone from a girl who had lost her parents to a young lady of a prestigious family that was well sought after.

More news followed after that. The amount of wealth that Lisa had received could rival that of the Jeon family.

Eunha tried very hard to recall the name of the old man and where he located to no avail.

The dream after that was blurry and she couldn't recall any of it.

What she could remember clearly was how jealous and envious she was in the dream and how much she wished that she could switch with Lisa.

Eunha's eyes dimmed.

She had already felt that her dreams were premonitions and that all of them would come true.

Much like saving Mingyu. She learned that Lisa had saved him unintentionally from her dream.

As such, she had rush to the location ahead of time. Her plan was to beat Lisa in saving Mingyu. Unfortunately, she was still a tad late. Someone had already phoned the cops and saved Mingyu.

For some inexplicable reasons, Mingyu thought it was her who had saved him.

That told her that the old that was in her dream was real.

And that Lisa would inherit huge wealth.

Eunha gritted her teeth. She looked at the jade pendant that was already covered in cracks. Most of the halo had already returned to Lisa. She couldn't imagine what Mingyu would think of her once she had lost all of the halo.

If Heaven had given her her ability, that was to say that Heaven wanted her to change her fate.

Much like she had become the person who had saved Mingyu and married him.

If she could take Lisa's place once again and inherit the large wealth. She would no longer need to worry about how others look at her. Nor would she need to put up with the humiliation of being booted out of the Jeon family.

Eunha got up and got changed as she thought about that.

When she returned to the Jung's place, Mother Jung was chatting with a friend of hers over the phone and made plans to go to the spa together.

Eunha had yet to have a chance to tell her mother that she had moved out of the Jeon's place.

Mother Jung quickly ended her phone call when she saw her daughter home.

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