156.Want to kiss. Want to kiss Odd Big Sister. (2)

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The movie theater was on the fifth floor. Lisa instructed Jungkook to buy two tickets.

She even held Jungkook's hand as they stood in line for popcorns. Perhaps because there were a lot of people, Jungkook seemed a little nervous. He was either looking at her or at the ground and his hand held hers tightly.

Suddenly, two delicate-looking girls walked over and one of them said to Jungkook, blushing, "Hi, do you mind exchanging WeChat information?"

Jungkook gave her no reaction.

The girl in yellow dress continued to drum up her courage. "I want to get to know you."

Jungkook ignored her completely.

He looked down at his hand that was holding onto Lisa's. Odd Big Sister's hand was very small, much smaller than his. Soft and fair, it was very pretty.

He liked Odd Big Sister's hand.

The girl in yellow dress, who was ignored completely, her face turned beet red. She looked at her friend next to her helpless and embarrassed.

Her friend stood up for her. "Hey, handsome boy, don't be so cold. Yujin is our beauty queen at school and has a lot of suitors. This was her first time asking for information from a boy."

The girl in yellow dress tugged her friend's clothes shyly when she heard that.

She glanced over at the side profile of the young man and blushed even more.

Earlier, since the young man had walked in, she immediately saw him in his red workout outfit. Tall and handsome, he was even handsomer than her favorite idol.

It was the first time she felt her heart pounding.

And that was why she asked her friend to help her out.

Jungkook completed ignored the both of them.

In Lisa's current state, Jungkook was the only one that could see her. Looking at the two girls eagerly trying to get Jungkook's contact information, Lisa wasn't too happy.

Seeing that the two weren't about to give up, Lisa said to Jungkook, "Wait for me here a bit. Don't be running around. I will be back shortly."

Jungkook blinked and replied slowly, "Alright."

Lisa knew that there were bodyguards sent by Mother Jeon following them, so she wasn't worried when she walked away.

She found a corner without surveillance camera, spent 20 little suns in exchange for 20 minutes time to make her appearance.

"You are too cold. So what if you don't want to exchange contact information. You can at least say something." The friend was not happy. Yujin was so pretty. This man's bar was so high that he wouldn't even so much as look at her.

"It seems you have some issues with my boyfriend?" A very melodious voice came from behind them.

The girl in yellow dress and her friend both turned around. They were both stunned.

Hearing Lisa's voice, Jungkook finally reacted. He turned toward Lisa and reached out his hand.

The tips of Lisa's fingers had just touched his hand when he held onto them tightly, worried that she would disappear again.

Lisa looked at the two girls and continue to barrage them. "My boyfriend is not exchanging contact information with you because he isn't interested in the two of you."

The yellow dress girl took another look at Lisa and lowered her head, feeling inferior. She tugged at her friend's clothes. "Let's go."

No wonder he paid her no attention. His bar was set very high.

Lisa continued to stand in line with Jungkook to buy snacks and beverages.

Both she and Jungkook were attractive and was a good match for each other. They attracted a lot of attention from those around them. The others were envious of their attractiveness.

After they had received their popcorns and soda, it was time to go inside the theater.

Lisa walked into the theater with Jungkook. They arrived quite late and were only able to get the tickets for the very back row.

Jungkook was used to dark surroundings and seemed to have relax some.

Lisa sat down next to him. Poor child. This was probably his first time ever inside a theater.

The movie started playing on the large screen.

It had been a while since Lisa had watched a movie with a bucket of popcorns like this.

She picked a golden colored popcorn and fed it to Jungkook. "This is a little sweet."

Jungkook parted his lips docilely and took in both the popcorn along with Lisa's fingers.

"Eat the popcorn, not my fingers."

Lisa's lowered her voice. Her cheeks blushed in the dark. "And don't lick my fingers with your tongue!"

Lisa recalled Jungkook licking her wound when she was poked by the thorn of the rose. He still had this bad habit.

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