43.A crack on the jade (3)

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That night.

Eunha had another dream.

She dreamt that Lisa went over to a certain place with the little jade stamp. It looked to be a mansion of some rich people.

Lisa then handed the little jade stamp over to an old man.

The dream was in bits and pieces.

Eunha saw that Lisa became more glamorous. Like the moon surrounding by all the stars, she was the envy of everyone.

As for herself, she could only look from the entrance from afar. Watching as Lisa became the princess that was doted upon. Even without her parents, Lisa was still doted by her......

Eunha woke up startled. She suddenly recalled the little jade stamp that her mother had given Lisa earlier that day.

Eunha couldn't see the people in her dream clearly but she knew that the little jade stamp was very important and that she could not let Lisa has it.

She must find a way to get it from Lisa.

Eunha took a look at Mingyu, who was sleeping soundly next to her, and walked out of the room lightly.

She was just about to go downstairs when she run into Lisa in the hallway holding a glass of milk in her hand.

"Lali, you are up late tonight," said Eunha as she walked up to Lisa.

Lisa raised her brows, "Can't we say the same about you?"

As though she didn't notice the coldness from Lisa, Eunha smiled and said, "I saw my mom giving you a small jade stamp earlier today. It looked delicate and pretty. I got into collecting pretty jades lately. Can I......"


Lisa cut her off right away. "That's from my dead parents. Don't get any ideas." Lisa had no idea why Eunha was interested in that.

Eunha bit her lip. "I just want to take a look."

"No, not even one look." Lisa took a sip of her milk and snickered. "Why don't you let me take a look at the necklace that you are wearing?"

Eunha put her hand over the necklace reflexively. "This had been blessed. I can't just let anyone touch it......"

Lisa's eyes were filled with mockery. "That's not double standard at all."

Eunha turned pale.

After returning to her room, Lisa quickly moved the box with the jade stamp somewhere more hidden and even locked it up.

She finally returned to bed when she confirmed that it was safe.

Jungkook had already fallen asleep. Recalling what he had done under the blanket today, Lisa's face burned a little.

Recollecting herself, Lisa summoned Lee Know. "How many little suns will it cost on my next trip to help Jungkook?"

Lee Know quickly told her: [Host, it will cost 5 little suns this time.]

Here Lisa thought she was so rich with the 16 little suns that she had gotten today. Little did she know, she had to spend another 5 little suns to help Jungkook now after she had exchanged 10 of them for her halo. She was down to one little sun in the blink of an eye.

Lee Know quickly put away the 5 little suns from Lisa. His milky voice was filled with excitement. [Good luck and save travelling.]

Lisa opened up her eyes again.

She looked at her hands. She skin was light and tender and her fingers petite and delicate. Her finger tips were a hint of cherry-blossom pink. It looked like she was back to her original self.

She feet were still bare but it would not get dusty from stepping onto the ground.

Lisa started looking around. The surrounding did not look familiar to her. She did not appear at the Lu's residence this time.

Did that mean little Jungkook was nearby?

"Hurry up. PE class is about to start."

"Do you think that fool will tell on us to the teacher?"

"Of course not. He doesn't like to talk. He's like a mute."

"The fool is very timid. I am sure he is crying inside the bathroom by now."

"Let's pretend to be ghost and scare him till he pees his pants next time we lock him up."


Hearing what the boys were saying behind her, Lisa quickly turned around. Her first reaction was that Jungkook was the fool that they were talking about.

They locked Jungkook up in the restroom?

The bell rang and the surrounding quieted down. Many children quickly ran toward their classrooms.

Including those boys.

Lisa frowned and went quickly to look for the restroom.

Lisa spotted the sign that pointed to the restroom from the direction where the boys came from.

Standing in front of the men's restroom, Lisa peeked and only walked inside when she confirmed that there was nobody there.

All of the stalls were empty until Lisa got to the very last one. She saw that the door was tied shut by a rope from the outside.

"Kookie, are you inside?" Lisa wanted to untie the ropes but her hand went through the door knob. She wasn't able to touch the rope.

She went straight through the door into the stall.

The last stall in the restroom was very narrow and small. It was usually the one that the cleaning staff used for storage. Trash cans, garbage bags, mops, and water buckets took up a lot of the room.

Little Jungkook with his little body squatted inside the stall. His head lowered and he put his arms around his knees quietly.

Lisa's heart ached as though it had been squeezed all of a sudden.

Squatting down, she leaned into his ear and said softly to him, "Kookie, big sister is here."

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