148.Did Lee Know just say that she needed to make an extra trip? (4)

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The night grew thicker.

After Lisa was done changing, she laid down next to Jungkook, who was already sound asleep. Considering that it was winter when she last went, she had a thick coat on this time.

She summoned the Lee Know, "Let me guess. 100 little suns this time?"

The Lee Know's milky voice was that of one with a guilty conscience. It stammered: [Host...... there had been some changes. We will need 150 little suns this time.]

Lisa was sure she heard it right. "How many did you say?"

Had Lee Know had a physical body, it would have showed her with its fingers. [150.] It stressed: [Host, it is special circumstances this time.]

"What do you mean by special circumstances?" Lisa was infuriated. She felt that she was being gouged.

Lee Know felt aggrieved. [This trip didn't exist before. I have no idea why it popped up suddenly.] Per their original schedule, Lisa's next trip should be back to Jungkook's junior year. And now, somehow, a sophomore period one popped up.

Transmigrating to a time frame that wasn't part of the rescue mission would cost more little suns.

Lisa was baffled. Was Lee Know saying that a new point in the time line that she needed to travel to had occurred?

Whatever had happened?

Lisa couldn't quite figure that out. "I have reasons to believe that you are messing around with me."

The Lee Know felt aggrieved: [Why would I do such an awful thing?]

"I suspect that you just want to get your hands onto more of my little suns."

Lee Know denied that quickly: [The number of little suns needed for each trip are pre-determined, Host. I would never dare to make up fake numbers!] Little suns were the purest of all karma. Should it have any greed or malicious ideas, the little suns that it received would disappear. It is no fool and would never do such a foolish thing.

Besides, compared to Bangchan, Lee Know was already very content feasting with its host all the time.

Lisa was still very upset. "I only have 100 little suns right now."

She had 120 little suns before, but she had spent 20 of them for 20% of her halo and only had 100 left right now.

Lee Know wooed her quickly: [Host, just have some more contact with Jungkook. You will get the little suns that you need in no time!]

Lisa hrumphed. "What happened when we exhausted him one day?"

What happened when Jungkook was squeezed dried and stopped producing little suns altogether? That was Lisa's biggest worry all along. She worried that Jungkook would run out of little suns before the completion of her rescue mission.

The Lee Know's milky voice sounded emotion: [That's not possible!]

Lisa, "Are you sure about that?"

Lee Know: [You don't need to worry about that, Host. No matter how many little suns we consume, Jungkook will always be able to produce enough little suns.] Jungkook was definitely a one-in-a-million who could produce an unlimited number of little suns.

Lisa felt relieved but, at the rate that she was going......

For some inexplicable reasons, Lisa's cheeks began to burn in the dark. She quickly shook her head to get rid of the R-rate images that appeared in her head. It was better that she focused on the golden little suns.

Lisa woke up the next day with light greenish dark circles under her eyes. All night long she was dreaming about how to get more little suns from Jungkook.

She flipped over to face the other side and happened to see Jungkook, who was still fast asleep.

The sky wasn't entire bright yet and it was quiet in the room. She could hear his light breathing.

Lisa got up and scooted close to him stealthily.

She lowered her head and studied Jungkook seriously.

His eyelids were thin and his lashes thick. His nose bridge tall and his lips were shut gently. He was exactly her type.

He was asleep now. Would kissing him now give her little suns?

Lisa was itching to try.

Pinching her lips shut a little, she lowered her head and kissed him on the tip of his nose. Nothing.

Lisa moved downward and planted a kiss gently on his lips. Still nothing. It looked like she would only receive little suns when Jungkook was awake.

All of a sudden, Lisa was looking into Jungkook's dark and blank eyes.

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