30.Aunty Feng got what she deserved. (2)

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She was just about to open up the car door and get out of the car when she saw the old red metal door with peeling paint opened up and a woman in her forties walked out with a trash can in her hand.

Her hair was tied up behind her head and only her round face was showing. Lisa recognized her as Aunty Feng.

She walked over stealthily and emptied out the content of the trash can in front of her neighbor's place.

Aunty Feng turned around complacently and, the very next second, the neighbor's door opened up and a short-haired woman middle-aged woman jumped out.

"Feng Fang, stand right there! I finally caught you this time. You shameless thing. Take your garbage back with you." The middle-aged woman ran up and tugged on Aunty Fang.

"You threw fruit peel in front of my house two days ago and caused me to fall. You should be happy that dumping garbage in front of your house is all that I am doing," said Aunty Fang with her eyes raised, looking arrogant.

The middle-aged woman was no pushover. "How can you proof that it was me who did that? But I witnessed you dumping garbage in front of my house......"

Lisa, sitting in the car, watched as the two women went from a shouting match to getting physical with each other. She couldn't help but smacked her lips.

The chauffeur asked Lisa, "Should we go over there, Second Young Madam?"

"No, we will just watch the drama from here." Lisa had never seen fights like that before – clothes-pulling, hair-yanking, face-scratching, the whole nine yards.

Aunty Fang was the sturdier one of the two and the middle-aged woman was no match of hers. Quickly, Aunty Fang was sitting on the middle-aged woman slapping her on her face.*

Lisa told the chauffeur. "You go and help that short-haired woman. If she wanted to strike her back, have her smack Aunty Feng on her head and twist her ear."

Let her experience the same treatment that little Jungkook had received.

"Yes, Second Young Madam."

The chauffeur was also the Jeon family's bodyguard. Not only was he good in fighting, his build was intimidating. Both the middle-aged woman and Aunty Feng were startled when he went over.

The middle-aged woman, with hand prints on her face, was very excited when she saw the chauffeur subdued Aunty Feng and learned that he was on her side.

Listening to the chauffeur's instructions, she slapped Aunty Feng on her cheeks and her forehead and she even went to twist Aunty Fang's ear. "Feng Fang, what goes around comes around."

Aunty Feng shriek in pain.

Lisa reached her hands out and covered up Jungkook's eyes. Leaning into his ear, she said to him softly, "Don't look at the bad people Kookie."

The chauffeur let go of Aunty Feng when the middle-aged woman had let it all out.

Aunty Feng was angry and in pain. Covering her ear that was red and painful from being twisted, she stared at the middle-aged woman and the chauffeur as though her eyes had been soaked in poison.

She demanded to know, "Who are you? Tare you this woman's illicit affair?"

"Pei!" said the middle-aged woman. "Feng Fang, watch what you are saying."

The chauffeur dusted the invisible dust off of himself said, "I am the chauffeur of the Jeon family."

The Jeon family?

It took Aunty Feng quite a while to put two and two together. Her hand that was covering her ear tightened. "You......"

The chauffeur ignored her, turned, and entered the car.

Aunty Feng finally noticed a car that was far too luxurious for this neighborhood and she could somewhat make out the look of the man inside through the window.

It dawned on Aunty Feng that the chauffeur the middle-aged woman smacked her on her forehead and twisted her ear – all of them she had done to the fool of a young master before.

Was he here for revenge?

Aunty Feng shuddered. Immediately, as though her soul had left her body, she stumbled back inside her house nervously, forgetting even her trash can.

Lisa pursed her lips. A woman like Aunty Feng would only dare to bully those weaker than herself.

The man placed his hand that was slightly cool to the touch on Lisa's wrist. Lisa was a little startled and quickly removed her hands that were covering Jungkook's eyes.

His pair of pretty cherry-blossom eyes gave her a blank look before he looked away.

Lisa cupped his face with her hands.

He had no choice but to lift his fluttering eyes and met with hers. Frightened, he wanted to lower his head but he wasn't able to with her holding his face.

Noticing that Jungkook was frowning slightly, Lisa's eyes curved. "I have taught her a lesson for you. Are you happy?"

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